Call for Entries for the German Animation Screenplay Award at ITFS 2024!

ITFS Trickstars (Photo: Reiner Pfisterer)

The Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS, April 23-28, 2024) is calling for entries for the German Animation Screenplay Award – the best screenplay for a feature-length animated film not yet realized. And we, the AMCRS, are the proud sponsor of the prize money of 2,500 €!

In 2023, the award for the best screenplay went to CLARISSA, Screenplay: John Chambers, Production: XFilme Creative Pool GmbH, Producer: Uwe Schott

In addition, the ITFS will award the prize for the screenplay with the greatest international market potential. The prize is endowed with 1,500 € and donated by Pink Parrot.

The awards aim to promote excellent screenplays for German animated feature film projects in German and English language as well as promising authors, and to highlight the importance of professional screenwriting.

The closing date for both awards is February 1, 2024.

Application and Reglement (in German)


Maximilian Schmierer Geschäftsführer
Michael Wünsch Leitung Entwicklung


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