As part of the International Week at the Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, the Institute for Games invites to its Games Day 2023 on November 28 and 29, 2023. The Media Research Conference, organized by the Visual Media Lab, will take place on November 29 and 30.
At Games Day (to mark the tenth anniversary of the Institute for Games), speakers from the games industry, politics and society as well as from the HdM partner universities will provide insights into various industry topics over two days. Speakers include Markus Berger (halbautomaten Kommunikationsdesign GmbH) with his presentation “Kinetarium & Cineplay – Multiplayer gaming and edutainment for large-scale audiences“, Dr. Andrea Buchholz and Iris Harr (MFG Baden-Württemberg) on the topic “From GamesHub for Health to Developer Boost and game funding – the Games BW funding strategy at a glance“, and Constanze Bühner, Nina Weilbächer and Anita Kerbel (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg / Animationstinstitut) with their presentation “Interactive Media – Under Water Diplom Game“.
To the complete program of the Games Day | Registration
The HdM Visual Media Lab’s Media Research Conference is aimed at educators, researchers and students in the field of visual media. Addressing the pressing challenges of our time this symposium is designed to explore innovative strategies to prepare the next generation of media professionals. Focusing on topics such as narration, visual aesthetics, innovative teaching methods, and the evolution of teaching content, the conference aims to catalyze collaborative efforts and explore avenues for joint research projects.