We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of filmmaker Gil Alkabetz.
“With his passing, the international animation world loses one of its most important filmmakers and a clever and warm-hearted colleague,” is how Andreas Hykade aptly put it in his obituary on behalf of the Animationsinstitut at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and AG Animationsfilm.
Gil Alkabetz was already connected to Stuttgart in the nineties through the presentation of his film “Swamp” at the State Academy of Fine Arts and his collaboration with Studio Film Bilder, e.g. for the animations in the feature film “Run Lola Run” as well as the films “Yankale”, “Rubicon” and „Trim Time“. He was a valued friend, companion and colleague of the Stuttgart animation scene.
Our deepest sympathy goes to Gil Alkabetz’s family. Our thoughts are with them and we wish them strength for these difficult times.
Read the full obituary by Andreas Hykade here:
on the Animationsinstitut’s website https://animationsinstitut.de/de/index/zum-tod-von-gil-alkabetz
on the website of the AG Animation https://www.ag-animationsfilm.com/zum-tod-von-gil-alkabetz/
Obituary by ITFS and Uli Wegenast: https://www.itfs.de/news/nachruf-auf-animationskuenstler-gil-alkabetz/