The Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism Baden-Württemberg has launched a new funding call.

With the funding program “KMU-Transfer KREATIV – Gamification und Animation Media“, the Ministry of Economics promotes the cooperation of companies from the fields of gamification, animation media and other 3D technologies with companies from other industries. The funding program is intended to support SMEs in improving existing business models or making them more resilient, opening up new product developments and markets, and strengthening innovation and competitiveness. Companies from Baden-Württemberg with up to 250 employees are eligible to apply.
“With the new funding program, we are supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in the application of gamification, animation and other 3D technologies to make them fit for the future,” said Minister of Economic Affairs Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut.
Applications can be submitted from now until November 10, 2023. More information on the funding program and the application documents can be found here (in German):