SERU Animation, based in Ludwigsburg with a dedicated team and studio in Hanover, is a leader in animated film and TV series production. We offer comprehensive services from concept to completion, maintaining high standards of creativity and quality, and as (Co-) Producer provide access to German funding to ensure projects are both creatively ambitious and financially viable.
Under the leadership of founder and managing director Sebastian Runschke, the SERU team was responsible for producing all of the “Raven The Little Rascal” feature films and animated series, and we were able to enchant both young and old with many magical episodes of “Petronella Applewitch” on KiKa and are currently in the midst of working on “Rabbit Academy – The Series”, developed together with Akkord Film. Following the successful premieres and cinema releases of “My Fairy Troublemaker” and “Rabbit Academy – Mission Eggpossible”, work is now in full swing on our next helvine feature movie “The Super Elfkins” (WT).
SERU is also deeply engaged in the research and development of new technologies and methods, leading an exciting innovation consortium with experts from research, education, and the creative industry, ensuring our projects not only entertain but also push the boundaries of animation workflows and technology.
Our commitment to social and environmental sustainability is integrated into our operations, with a Green Consultant ensuring all projects align with sustainability goals. We’re thankful for the support that has made our success possible and are eager to continue producing captivating, globally resonant animation blending creativity with technological innovation.
We look forward to sharing more exceptional work – proudly produced by SERU Animation!
Sebastian Runschke
Producer, CEO
SERU Animation GmbH & Co. KG
Uhlandstraße 21
71638 Ludwigsburg
T +49 (0) 7141 706 920