Studio 88

34 years of experience in animation.

Studio 88

34 years of experience in animation.

The animation studio was founded in 1988 in Baden-Baden. The main activities are the development and realisation of animated series, feature films, short films and TV spots. Amongst the successful productions of Studio88 we find the feature films „Little King Macius“, „The Little Raven Sock 1“ the TV series „Macius“, „The Quipse“ „The Meadow Spectacle“ and several episodes for the „Sendung mit der Maus“. Studio88 is currently producing the feature film „The Journey of the Elephant Soliman“. „Soliman 2“ and a series of the same name are in preparation.


Roland Junker
Executive Director

Studio 88 Werbe- und Trickfilm GmbH

Lilienmattstraße 11
76530 Baden-Baden

T +49 (0) 7221 90 77-0