On April 8, the Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Ludwigsburg and the Kokolores Collective are hosting their first Start-up Monday. The networking event will take place at the Kokolores creative center in Ludwigsburg (Mörikestr. 28/2) and will begin at 16:30 CET.

Start-up Monday connects the Ludwigsburg start-up community with the regional creative scene. Participants will gain an insight into the Kokolores creative center and can get to know and try out various regional products from the fields of games, animation and virtual reality. The program includes a discussion round, start-up pitches and plenty of space for networking with music and drinks. Our CREATORS from Pixelcloud and Animationsinstitut will also be part of the event.
Founders and start-ups from the Ludwigsburg area will have the opportunity to present themselves and their creative products at Start-up Monday. If you are interested, please register by e-mail to Dr. Max Höllen from the Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Ludwigsburg by April 4, 2024. Anyone who would like to drop by spontaneously is also welcome.
This way to the event on LinkedIn!