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Pre Fixe with Animation Lounge: Animating Pumuckl

Together with the Film- und Medienfestival gGmbH (organizer of Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film) and the AMCRSMFG organizes the Pre Fixe with Animation Lounge as a prelude to the monthly network meeting of the film industry (Jour Fixe), at which speakers from the animation film scene report on current projects using practical examples and provide insights into their work.

Revealing the invisible: Animating Pumuckl“ will be the topic on December 11, 2023 at 18:00 CET.

The Pumuckl series brought the radio play character of the goblin to television for the first time in the 1980s. The magic of the series was created in particular by the interplay between the actor Gustl Bayrhammer and the wild, lovable cartoon character of Pumuckl. This adaptation of Ellis Kaut’s books is still very much present in reruns and in the nostalgic memories of the current generation of parents and grandparents. For the new edition of the series by director Marcus H. Rosenmüller, Ludwigsburg-based Studio Soi was commissioned to provide the new animations for the title character. With such a new edition, the question arises as to what should be changed in a contemporary realization. How close do the animators stay to the original? What technology and look could the new Pumuckl use to inspire children again?

Torben Meier, Studio Soi
Michael Hockey, Studio Soi

Michael Hockey, Animation Supervisor, and Torben Meier, co-founder of Studio Soi, will give an insight into these decisions and the working methods of the animation studio. The presentation will be held in English.

The event will take place at the Kulturzentrum Merlin, Augustenstraße 72, 70178 Stuttgart. Admission is free.

More information

Next Pre Fixe with Animation Lounge on March 13 with Michael Scholz (halbautomaten)

Theater Rampe

Together with the Film- und Medienfestival gGmbH (organizer of Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film) and the AMCRSMFG organizes the Pre Fixe with Animation Lounge as a prelude to the monthly network meeting of the film industry (Jour Fixe), at which speakers from the animation film scene report on current projects using practical examples and provide insights into their work.

(c) Michael Scholz

On March 13, 2023 at 18:00 CETMichael Scholz (Founder/ Creative Director of halbautomaten) will talk about „KINETARIUM – MULTIPLAYER-PLANETARIUM“

Kinetarium is a platform for interactive full-dome games that can be played by hundreds of players simultaneously. Each player can directly intervene in the dome projection with his/her smartphone. Playing the games is not only fun, but also offers the opportunity to experience scientific topics in a new way. The players can decide whether they want to play as a team, in competition, in alliances or in chaos. Each game plays out differently.

More about Kinetarium:

The event will take place at Theater Rampe, Filderstraße 47, 70180 Stuttgart, and is free of charge.

The Jour Fixe offers a unique opportunity for exchange and networking with the MFG Unit Film Funding team. All participants are cordially invited to join the subsequent Jour Fixe starting at 19:00 CET.