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Techtalks Presentations online!

The TechTalks Stuttgart event series presents technical topics from the fields of visual effects (VFX) and animation for scientists, creative professionals, students and the interested public. After the keynote speeches, people can spontaneously take to the microphone on their own behalf.

You can now watch the presentations of the TechTalks Stuttgart, which took place on November 22, 2023 in the Albrecht-Ade-Studio of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, online!

USD Project Workflows“ | Paul Golter, Technical Directing, Animationsinstitut Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

„Unreal Nerfs“ | Max Schmiererb.ReX

„Projectionmapping & Künstliche Intelligenz“ | Maximilian PfistererFrischvergiftung

We hope you enjoy watching it!

TechTalks Stuttgart is an initiative of the following institutions: Animation Media Cluster Region Stuttgart | MFG Baden-Württemberg | Film Commission Region Stuttgart Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart | Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg | Animationsinstitut

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