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Games BW at Gamescom 2024

THE LÄND joint stand at Gamescom 2023 (Photo: Tobias Vollmer)

MFG has been organizing a joint Baden-Württemberg stand in the business area of Gamescom in Cologne since 2013. The exhibiting games companies have the opportunity to present their latest developments to trade visitors and make contacts with the international games scene. In 2024, the theme of the event will once again be “THE LÄND – Games made in Baden-Württemberg“.

This year, eight companies will present themselves at THE LÄND joint stand. Our CREATORS from b.ReX, Stuttgart, UP Designstudio, Stuttgart and Zeitland media & games from Ludwigsburg will be part of the stand, too. Zeitland will be presenting their latest strategy game Camp Chaos, which can also be tried out.

Other exhibitors include GameBoot, kr3m. media, LFK, StickyStoneStudio and TinyRoomStudio.

The THE LÄND joint stand can be visited from August 21 to 23 in the Business Area (Hall 4.1, Stand C64). Come by!

Gamescom 2023: Visit by Robert Habeck, Vice Chancellor of Germany, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Photo: Tobias Vollmer)
Gamescom 2023 with our CREATORS from Pixelcloud (Photo: Tobias Vollmer)

The state stand is organized by MFG Baden-Württemberg in cooperation with Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i), supported by  K³ Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaftsbüro Karlsruhe and funded by the Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus Baden-Württemberg.

More about the Gamescom Business Area


Start-up BW Summit 2024 on July 11

The Start-up BW Summit 2024 is a trade fair and congress with exhibiting start-ups, pitches and keynotes plus a festival on the Börsenplatz in Stuttgart with music and informal discussions. Start-ups, representatives of start-up ecosystems and companies as well as investors from Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Europe and the world meet at the Haus der Wirtschaft to pitch, network, exchange ideas and learn from each other.

You can expect a varied program with top-class speakers, a trade fair with start-ups, pitches and competitions as well as many offers for founders and all those who want to become one. The complete program can be found here.

MFG Baden-Württemberg will be represented in the “Länd of Start-ups” and has invited three innovative start-ups and young start-up teams from the cultural and creative industries: Eloquio from Heidelberg, Mucks! Games from Ludwigsburg (recently awarded the German Computer Game Award, the alumni from Animationsinstitut also created the trailers for FMX and ITFS 2024) and to teach from Stuttgart.

Participation in the summit is free of charge, registration is requested.

More information and sources:
Start-up BW Summit 2024 | MFG | Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism Baden-Württemberg

New AMCRS IP Presentation Forum on October 10! Register now!

You’ve got a great idea for an IP (intellectual property)? You are developing a new game or interactive format? You are in the middle of preparing your new animated short film or animated series? You are a resident of Baden-Württemberg? That’s perfect!

The IP Presentation Forum will take place for the seventh time on October 10, 2023. Come by and take the opportunity to present your project to professionals from the industry and to exchange ideas and get advice for the next steps!

Download flyer (PDF)

Register until October 5, 2023! Registration via:

Location: MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbH
Breitscheidstr. 4
70174 Stuttgart

Organized by AMCRS