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DOKVILLE 2024 – Krieg und Des:Information

The annual industry get-together DOKVILLE, organized by Haus des Dokumentarfilms – Europäisches Medienforum Stuttgart e.V. (HDF), will take place on June 20/21, 2024 at Hospitalhof Stuttgart (Büchsenstr. 33, 70174 Stuttgart) and will be broadcast as a livestream for all those who cannot be on site.

DOKVILLE invites high-ranking representatives of the film and media industry to engage in a discussion with each other and with the audience. In view of growing conflicts not only in Ukraine and the Middle East, the 2024 program reflects on the topic of KRIEG UND DES:INFORMATION (War and Des:Information). The focus is on top-class documentary feature films, current documentary series, and, in the AngeDOKt format, intersections with the gaming sector.

Dokville 2024

At the same time, SWR is holding its Dokufestival (June 18 to 22, 2024, Stuttgart). Both events will conclude with the presentation of the German Documentary Film Award on the evening of June 21. The ticket for DOKVILLE also entitles the holder to attend the SWR Dokufestival on the booked day of the event (June 20 and/or 21, 2024).

Further information, program and tickets at

DOKVILLE 2023: Medien und Diversität

The Haus des Dokumentarfilms – Europäisches Medienforum Stuttgart e.V. (HDF) organizes its annual industry event DOKVILLE on June 15 and 16, 2023, at the Stuttgarter Hospitalhof (Büchsenstr. 33, 70174 Stuttgart). It is aimed at documentary filmmakers, journalists, representatives of broadcasters and associations as well as the interested public. For participants who cannot be on site, the event will be broadcast as a livestream. The focus of DOKVILLE are documentaries and documentary series.

How do our media outlets implement the demand for diversity and variety? What about discrimination and lack of representation in the documentary industry? And what about the diversity of opinions? Unquestioned framings, cliché traps, and the portrayal of majorities as supposed minorities – even documentary productions are not immune to the uncritical adoption of prejudices and preconceived patterns. DOKVILLE discusses the need for action.

Further information and tickets on

Source: Press release and website