MFG has been organizing a joint Baden-Württemberg stand in the business area of Gamescom in Cologne since 2013. The exhibiting games companies have the opportunity to present their latest developments to trade visitors and make contacts with the international games scene. In 2024, the theme of the event will once again be “THE LÄND – Games made in Baden-Württemberg“.
This year, eight companies will present themselves at THE LÄND joint stand. Our CREATORS from b.ReX, Stuttgart, UP Designstudio, Stuttgart and Zeitland media & games from Ludwigsburg will be part of the stand, too. Zeitland will be presenting their latest strategy game Camp Chaos, which can also be tried out.
Other exhibitors include GameBoot, kr3m. media, LFK, StickyStoneStudio and TinyRoomStudio.
The THE LÄND joint stand can be visited from August 21 to 23 in the Business Area (Hall 4.1, Stand C64). Come by!
The interactive bedtime story THE BEAR – A STORY FROM THE WORLD OF GRA has won the German Computer Game Award (DCP) in the category “Best Graphic Design”. THE BEAR is the debut work of Clara Deitmar, Julius Dorsel and Luzie Kehle – all former students of the Animationsinstitut at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. The team accepted the award yesterday evening in Munich.
THE BEAR is an interactive experience for tablets. Two friends, the bear and the little one, embark on a journey through a dreamy universe where they collect stars and experience stories together. THE BEAR is about rediscovering the intimate and emotional state just before falling asleep.
Winning the DCP feels like a dream for the team: “It was absolutely amazing to be part of the DCP this year! The nominations alone meant so much to us – winning is just phenomenal. We couldn’t have wished for a better start for our newly founded studio.”
The German Computer Game Award is the most important prize for games in Germany and is endowed with around 800,000€. It is awarded by the Federal Government, represented by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, together with game – Association of the German Games Industry and the Digital Games Culture Foundation.
For Jan Pinkava, Director of the Animationsinstitut, the triumph at the DCP is a strong signal for Ludwigsburg as a games location: “To put it simply: The Filmakademie is in Ludwigsburg, and Ludwigsburg is a growing centre for the creative arts. Our Interactive Media teaching is about content – what the artwork does and what it means – with a special emphasis on storytelling. That is why our talented students produce meaningful work, like THE BEAR. At the Animationsinstitut we are proud of our extraordinary students and their contribution to the region.“
While still studying Interactive Media, Deitmar, Dorsel and Kehle founded the studio Mucks! Games, under whose name they recently published THE BEAR. The game is available for iOS systems.
Find out more about WORLD OF GRA and THE BEAR here.
You would like to get to know the diploma projects2024 of Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg’sAnimationsinstitutand their makers? Visit the Diploma Showroom on Thursday, April 25, 2024 between 14:00 and 20:30CET on the campus of Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Akademiehof 10 in Ludwigsburg!
Here you can watch all the graduation films and trailers, try out the games and talk to the graduates!
Are you at the beginning of your own start-up, currently immersed in developing a new game, or still studying – perhaps “something with media”? Do you come more from an (academic) background but wish to connect with others from the animation, film, and games industries because you value cross-industry exchange? Do you welcome inspiration from a wide range of media sectors, enjoy meeting new people, and aren’t afraid of technological innovation?
Then the TALENT Meet-up BW 2024 is the right thing for you! Apply now for one of the 20 spots in this free, exclusive program with a unique networking opportunity.
Immerse yourself in the Stuttgart Animated Week together with other young professionals and visit the FMX – Film & Media Exchange (April 23-26, 2024), the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (April 23-28, 2024) and the APD Conference (April 23, 2024) of the Animation Production Days with a free Combi Ticket. You will be supported in networking, you will receive individual program tips and the framework for the best possible exchange – with each other and in the international industry. Last but not least, you will get to know regional support services and contacts so that nothing stands in the way of your professional future in THE LÄND.
Gamescom 2024: Exhibitors wanted for the THE LÄND joint stand
Games companies and institutions from Baden-Württemberg will once again have the opportunity to present themselves to the public at Gamescom in Cologne from August 21 to 23, 2024. This year, MFG Baden-Württemberg is once again organizing THE LÄND joint stand in the business area of the world’s largest trade fair for computer and video games. Interested companies can now apply to exhibit at the stand.
At the trade fair, participants present themselves to the trade audience and make contacts in the international games scene. Co-exhibitors at THE LÄND joint stand benefit from discounted participation conditions, a comprehensive service package and joint communication activities.
All information about the Gamescom appearance can be found on the website. Places for co-exhibitors are limited. An application is necessary. This is uncomplicated and possible until April 1, 2024 via an online form.
Cross innovation with the games and animation media industry:
The fields of games, animation and virtual reality are becoming increasingly important and offer great potential for companies from various sectors. The aim of “KMU-Transfer KREATIV” is to promote cross-industry collaboration with creative companies and to demonstrate the added value of cooperation and the use of new technologies.
Together with Ulrich Lang, the developer of niche fragrances from Backnang, the creative company acameo from Tübingen is implementing virtual distribution and presentation options by modeling virtual spaces and animating product-specific fragrances.
With Xbrick,wd3 GmbH has developed a universally applicable seating cube. Now, together with the creative agency halbautomaten Kommunikationsdesign GmbH – one of the AMCRS HEROES – an AR app is to be developed that will add an additional level to the playful and animated learning with Xbrick as a digital extension. Both companies are based in Stuttgart.
At the Global Game Jam (GGJ), creatives and game enthusiasts around the world develop computer games on a given theme in 48 hours. With THE LÄND Global Game Jam BW, MFG Baden-Württemberg is organizing the largest central event for the southwest in Karlsruhe with 20 partners and supporters. From January 26 to 28, 2024, game enthusiasts can attend and participate. The Game Jam takes place at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design.
The GGJ encourages people from different backgrounds to contribute to the worldwide spread of game development and creativity. Games students meet games studios, development enthusiasts meet experienced and professional coders. But other disciplines such as sound, design, communication and psychology also find their place in the GGJ. Thanks to the cooperation with twelve different educational institutions in Baden-Württemberg, very different games enthusiasts come together and get creative together in a playful way.
The state-wide site is organized by MFG Baden-Württemberg in cooperation with the GameLab Karlsruhe of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. THE LÄND Global Game Jam is supported by 20 partners, including local partners, universities and games studios from Baden-Württemberg. The Game Jam is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg as part of HOLA.
Call for Entries Animated Games Award Germany 2024
The Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) is calling for entries for the Animated Games Award Germany2024. The prize of 5,000 euros is sponsored by the MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbH. It is aimed at developers of computer games in Germany and is intended to strengthen the content-related integration of games and animated film and promote the artistic quality of games. The ITFS 2024 will take place from April 23 to 28, 2024.
Deadline for registration and submission of games for the preselection: February 1, 2024
Games Day and Media Research Conference 2023 at Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart
As part of the International Week at the Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, the Institute for Games invites to its Games Day 2023 on November 28 and 29, 2023. The Media Research Conference, organized by the Visual Media Lab, will take place on November 29 and 30.
At Games Day (to mark the tenth anniversary of the Institute for Games), speakers from the games industry, politics and society as well as from the HdM partner universities will provide insights into various industry topics over two days. Speakers include Markus Berger (halbautomaten Kommunikationsdesign GmbH) with his presentation “Kinetarium & Cineplay – Multiplayer gaming and edutainment for large-scale audiences“, Dr. Andrea Buchholz and Iris Harr (MFG Baden-Württemberg) on the topic “From GamesHub for Health to Developer Boost and game funding – the Games BW funding strategy at a glance“, and Constanze Bühner, Nina Weilbächer and Anita Kerbel (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg / Animationstinstitut) with their presentation “Interactive Media – Under Water Diplom Game“.
The HdM Visual Media Lab’s Media Research Conference is aimed at educators, researchers and students in the field of visual media. Addressing the pressing challenges of our time this symposium is designed to explore innovative strategies to prepare the next generation of media professionals. Focusing on topics such as narration, visual aesthetics, innovative teaching methods, and the evolution of teaching content, the conference aims to catalyze collaborative efforts and explore avenues for joint research projects.
Since 2013, MFG Baden-Württemberg has been organizing a joint booth in the business area of Gamescom in Cologne (Business Area Hall 4.1, Booth C64). The exhibiting games companies have the opportunity to present their latest developments to the trade visitors and to establish contacts with the international games scene. For the second time, the 2023 event will be held under the motto “THE LÄND – Games made in Baden-Württemberg”.
Among the games companies from Baden-Württemberg represented there are also our HEROES from Pixelcloud!
On August 24, a Baden-Württemberg reception will take place at the THE LÄND booth starting at 13:30 CET.
To make it possible to experience the diversity of game productions from the southwest of Germany, MFG invites all trade visitors to the Publisher Pitch Pitch & Rise: Hangover Edition on August 25 from 10:00 to 12:30 CET at THE LÄND joint booth. At this pitch, selected game developers from Baden-Württemberg will meet publishers eager to make new discoveries. More info