Find out where to find our HEROES at FMX, ITFS and APDs on Wednesday, April 26!
9:00 CET
ITFS, TREFFPUNKT Rotebühlplatz (vhs), Rotebühlplatz 28, Stuttgart, 70173
Zwergenschau 2
Katze (Julia Ocker, Studio FILM BILDER, Animationsinstitut Alumna)
9:30-19:00 CET
FMX Marketplace
MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH/AMCRS, RnDeep GmbH
9:30-19:00 CET
FMX, Eyth-Saal, Turm A, Turm B
Recruiting Hub
Accenture Song Content Germany GmbH, jangled nerves, Pixomondo, recomFilm, RISE | Visual Effects Studios, Scanline VFX
9:30-19:00 CET
FMX Recruiting Booth vor Haus der Wirtschaft
RISE | Visual Effects Studios
9:30-19:00 CET
FMX School Campus
Animationsinstitut, Hochschule der Medien, Hochschule Offenburg
11:45 CET
FMX Raum Reutlingen
Scanline Recruiting Presentation
Simon Davies, Recruitment Manager, Europe, Scanline VFX
13:45-17:15 CET
APDs L-Bank Rotunde (available as VoD to all APD accredited participants)
APD Conference: “New Voices – New Stories”
Prof Lilian Klages. Eagle Eye Filmproduktion
13:45-14:00 CET
APDs L-Bank Rotunde (available as VoD to all APD accredited participants)
APDs Conference Welcome
Carl Bergengruen, MFG, Marlene Wagener, Animation Production Days
14:00-15:30 CET
APDs L-Bank Rotunde (available as VoD to all APD accredited participants)
APDs Conference Part 1, Case Study 1 From Film School to Industry with “Ich kenne ein Tier / I know an animal” – A Launchpad for Young Animators
Prof. Andreas Hykade, Head of Animation Directing, Animationsinstitut/Filmakademie
14:30 CET
FMX Turm Aalen & Video on Demand (from April 28)
Access VFX
Kader Bagli, Lead Compositing Artist, RISE | Visual Effects Studios
14:30 CET
FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal & Video on Demand (from April 28)
Evolving Research & Technology for a Minimized Footprint
Prof. Jan Adamczyk, Hochschule der Medien, Professor Susanne Marschall, Professor, University of Tuebingen, Volker Helzle, Head of Research and Development, Animationsinstitut
14:30 CET
FMX Raum Heilbronn, The Autodesk Suite & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28)
No turning back because I deleted the folders – the early adopter USD journey at RISE
Kolja Hübschmann, Oliver Markowski, (RISE I Visual Effects Studios)
15:00 CET
ITFS Gloria 2
Tricks for Kids 1
Trudes Tier – Glückshof (Klaus Morschheuser, Studio Soi), Katze (Julia Ocker, Studio Filmbilder)
16:15 CET
FMX Raum Reutlingen & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28)
Accenture Song Recruiting Presentation
Michael Bergmann, Recruiting Senior Specialist, Gus Martinez, Compositing and VFX Supervisor, Carina Thomiczny, 3D Senior Realtime Artist, Accenture Song Content Germany GmbH
17:00 CET
ITFS Open Air
TV special „The Gruffalo“
Studio Soi
17:30 CET
ITFS Open Air
Best of Animation 1 – Homemade Highlights 1
Films by Tine Kluth, Julia Ocker, Andreas Hykade, Marc Schleiss, Gottfried Mentor, Volker Engel, Johannes Weiland et al., Hochschule der Medien, Studio Filmbilder, Animationsinstitut Alumni, curated by Förderverein ITFS e.V.
17:00 CET
FMX König-Karl-Halle & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28)
Creating Visual Effects for STRANGER THINGS, Season 4
Overall VFX Supervisor and Emmy Award winner Jabbar Raisani, Additional VFX Supervisor Marion Spates, Jan Burda, VFX Supervisor, Accenture Song Content Germany GmbH
17:00 CET
FMX Turm Aalen & Video on Demand (from April 28)
A Calling. From The Desert. To The Sea.
Animationsinstitut Students & Alumni: Lennard Fricke, VFX Producer, Lukas Kapp, Creature TD, Lukas Löffler, Lead Compositor, Mario Bertsch, VFX Supervisor, Till Sander-Titgemeyer, Character Artist
18:00 CET
ITFS Gloria 2
Young Animation 1
Kolaj (Gülce Besen Dilek, Filmakademie)
18:15 CET
FMX Raum Reutlingen
Rise Recruiting Presentation, RISE up your life.
Marian Dobrunz, Head of HR, RISE | Visual Effects Studios
18:30 CET
ITFS L-Bank Rotunde
Trickstar Professional Awards Ceremony
AMCRS (sponsor of German Animation Screenplay Award), MFG (sponsor of Animated Games Award Germany)
19:00 CET
FMX Square in front of Haus der Wirtschaft
WEDNESDAY GET-TOGETHER sponsored by Scanline VFX
21:00 CET
Die Note, Berliner Platz 1, 70174 Stuttgart
AMCRS Animation Media Lounge 2023