The Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg & Animationsinstitut invite you to their FABW XR DAY 2023. On November 29 from 9:00 to 18:00 CET, the Albrecht Ade Studio with an LED wall setup will be open to all XR and VR professionals and enthusiasts.
At the Networking Breakfast you can find out about the AUREA Young Talent Award 2024 (organized by 2112 Studios and the Filmakademie), which invites graduates of the 2024 diploma year and young professionals (up to and including the 2019 diploma) to submit entries.
Deadline December 20, 2023, call for entries and information here: https://degas.filmakademie.de/nextcloud/s/5yH4LBf9WdEAsZi
Input presentations by Michael Scholz (Founder & Creative Director halbautomaten), Stefan Kolbe (Head of jangled lab) & Marc Schleiss (Creative Director Jangled Nerves) and Volker Helzle (Head of R&D Animationsinstitut) as well as Mack One Deutschland GmbH, LightShape and Pong.Li will provide exciting insights into current projects.
You can also experience the current prototype of the interactive VR experience “MinoXR“, which is being developed as part of the EU-funded EMIL project (https://emil-xr.eu).
Book your slot here: XR Day – MinoXR Demonstrator | DFN Terminplaner
Further details on the program of the FABW XR Day 2023 at LinkedIn