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Our Creators @ FMX and ITFS on Tuesday, April 23, 2024!

Let’s get started with STUTTGART ANIMATED WEEK 2024, during which animation, VFX and games fans and professionals from all over the world will come together in Stuttgart to experience and exchange the latest trends, most impressive projects and most exciting stories: FMX – Film & Media Exchange (April 23-26, 2024), the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (April 23-28, 2024) and the Animation Production Days (April 23-25, 2024) will take place! We could hardly wait!

FMX, Image © Luzie Marquardt

Of course, our CREATORS will be on board as well! Check out where they’ll be on the first day, on Tuesday, April 23!

FMX, List-Saal, Marketplace

FMX, Max-Eyth-Saal, Recruiting Hub
Accenture Song, Pixomondo, Recom, Rise

FMX, Steinbeis-Saal, School Campus
Animationsinstitut / FABW, Hochschule der Medien, Merz Akademie

FMX, Foyer Bertha Benz
Immersive XR Demos
Track “EU XR” curated by Volker Helzle, Animationsinstitut / FABW
FABW – Fate of the Minotaur: Alexander Kreische, Andreas Dahn, Eduard Schäfer, Justus Blönnigen, Leszek Plichta, Lisa Forelli, Simon Spielmann, Volker Helzle, Yvonne Krühler
Pixelcloud – Climate Change VR: Christoph Rasulis, Elija Schneider, Jonas Kirchner
FABW – VPET (Digital Locations) & AnimHost: Alexandru Tufis-Schwartz, Francesco Andreussi, Jonas Trottnow, Simon Haag, Simon Spielmann, Volker Helzle

FMX Turm Aalen
Cybercity Lovestory IP-Intro and Screening (Film & VR pilot)
Animationsinstitut / FABW Alumni

FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal, VOD
PANEURAMA innovation alliance for the creative media sector
Track “EU XR” curated by Volker Helzle, Animationsinstitut / FABW
Christian Müller, Animationsinstitut / FABW

FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal, VOD
MAX-R – Mixed Augmented and Extended Media Pipeline
Track “EU XR” curated by Volker Helzle, Animationsinstitut / FABW

FMX Turm Aalen
Cybercity Lovestory MD-Intro and Screening (Film & VR pilot)
Animationsinstitut / FABW Alumni

FMX Raum Reutlingen, VOD
Recruiting Presentation Accenture Song
Lutz Marquardt & Betty Tytko, Accenture Song

FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal, VOD
EMIL – European Media and Immersion Lab
Track “EU XR” curated by Volker Helzle, Animationsinstitut / FABW

FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal, VOD
Panel Discussion EU XR
Volker Helzle, Animationsinstitut / FABW (also curator of the Track “EU XR”)

FMX Turm Aalen
Cybercity Lovestory – Behind the Scenes of a visionary IP
Animationsinstitut / FABW Alumni

FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal, VOD
FRITZI & SOPHIE – a boundless friendship
Thomas Meyer-Herrmann, Studio FILM BILDER
Track “Managing Change” curated by Imke Fehrmann, RISE

FMX Turm Aalen
That which doesn’t kill us… AI Education Panel
Olia Lialina, Merz Akademie

FMX Meidinger-Saal
Immersive Artwork: Pushing the boundaries of location based entertainment
Track “Games & Beyond” curated by Anna Brinkschulte, Animationsinstitut / FABW

FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal
The Intricate Process of Producing Visual Effects for Television Series
Track “Managing Change” curated by Imke Fehrmann, RISE

FMX Turm Aalen, VOD
Technical Directing and Setextension Workshop
Animationsinstitut / FABW students

FMX Raum Tübingen
Futurescape Fishbowl on Innovating in Creative Education and Industry
Animationsinstitut / FABW

FMX Meidinger-Saal, VOD
Creating The Blackwall VFX for Cyberpunk 2077 : Phantom Liberty
Track “Games & Beyond” curated by Anna Brinkschulte, Animationsinstitut / FABW

ITFS Königsbau-Passagen GameZone
„The Bear – A Story from the WORLD OF GRA“ (by ITFS/FMX/APD Trailer Team)
Animationsinstitut Alumni (Mucks! Games)

FMX Meidinger-Saal, VOD
THE BEAR – Making Meaningful Mobile Games and Designing for Calmness
Animationsinstitut Alumni Clara Deitmar, Julius Dorsel (Mucks! Games, FMX/ITFS/APD 2024 trailer team)
Track “Games & Beyond” curated by Anna Brinkschulte, Animationsinstitut / FABW

FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal, VOD
Panel: Being the Change Through Mentorship
Imke Fehrmann, RISE (also curator of the Track “Managing Change”)

FMX Turm Aalen, VOD
The strengths of story worlds: IP-based projects “PAM PAM PAM” and “THE DEEP ABOVE”
Animationsinstitut / FABW students

LAVAlabs, Mittelstraße 9/1, 70180 Stuttgart
BBQ Lavalabs
All AMCRS members are cordially invited!

FMX Plaza in front of Haus der Wirtschaft

Job offer at Merz Akademie!

The Merz Akademie is looking for an administrator (m/f/d) for the study office with examination office (50%) to start as soon as possible.

The areas of responsibility include:

  • Examination office
  • Preparation of the entrance examination and admission
  • Maintenance of student files
  • Preparation of semester and study certificates
  • Advising students on their individual course of study
  • Collaboration in the examination board
  • Semester planning (timetabling and room planning)
  • Coordination and supervision of guest lecturers

Complete job advertisement

Please apply by April 5, 2024 at the latest to Managing Director Stefan Grü

Project Partners from the University of Konstanz visiting our VR Lab, 2023, copyright: E. Böker, CASCB

AMCRS HEROES at the Filmschau BW 2023

Logo Filmschau BW 2023
So ganz normal ist das ja nicht (Merz Akademie)

The aim of the 29. Filmschau Baden-Württemberg (December 6 to 10, 2023) is to offer filmmakers – both professionals and up-and-coming filmmakers – from Baden-Württemberg a platform to showcase their work. AMCRS HEROES will also be on board.

To kick off the Filmschau, a panel discussion will take place on December 6, 2023, on the topic of „Künstliche Intelligenz – Chance und Risiko für die Film- und Fernsehbranche“, organized by MFG Baden-Württemberg.

The panelists:
Heiko Burkardsmaier, VFX Executive Producer / Head of Business & Legal Affairs at Accenture Song Content Germany in Stuttgart
Dr. Nadine Hammele, Storytelling Consultant at Walt Disney Company German in Munich
Andy Közle, Senior CGI Artist / Technical Director at the Stuttgart-based company unexpected
Hanna Langenberg, student of computer visualistics and design at Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, employed by LAVAlabs Moving Images
Martin Thau, lecturer, dramaturge, screenwriter and scriptwriter in Munich, is part of the founding team of the Drehbuchwerkstatt München at the University of Television and Film
Moderation: Nadine Krüger, TV presenter and actress

Event dates:
December 6, 2023, 17:30-19.00 CET (entrance 17:00 CET)
GLORIA 2 Innenstadtkinos, Königstr. 20 (Passage), 70173 Stuttgart
Admission is free. Registration is requested but not mandatory.

More information

The following animation and VFX projects by AMCRS HEROES will be part of the film and competition program (no claim to completeness):

IT’S JUST A WHOLE, Director: Bianca Scali, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
SCRUBBY, directed by Paul Vollet, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
SO GANZ NORMAL IST DAS JA NICHT, Director: Iris Maier, Merz Akademie, Hochschule für Gestaltung, Kunst und Medien, Stuttgart
TOWN HALL SQUARE, Director: Christian Kaufmann, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
KOLAJ, Director: Besen Dilek, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
COSMOSS, Director: David Sick, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
CODE RAT, Director: Matthias Strasser, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
THE LAST BAR, Director: Arne Hain, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
LEGENDARY TALE, Director: Ben Marquardt, Hochschule der Medien
BEARLY IN LOVE, Director: Rebecca Liebelt, Hochschule der Medien
DODO, Director: Yi Luo, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
ANIMANIMALS, Director: Julia Ocker, Studio FILM BILDER
RUSH – PORSCHE GT3, Director: Andreas Justus Burz, Recom Film GmbH & Co KG
CIELO – MASERATI MC20, Director: Alessandra Kila, Recom Film GmbH & Co KG

Link to Filmschau BW 2023

Jobs at Merz Akademie

Our HEROES at Merz Akademie have two positions available for immediate hire.

AV/Event Technology Specialist (Fachkraft für AV-/Veranstaltungstechnik) (m/f/d, 80 %) – Job advertisement

Technical Manager (Technische Leitung) (f/m/d, 50 %) – Job advertisement

The application deadline for both positions is October 15, 2023. Apply now by e-mail via!

Interactive swarm simulation, student project, Jan-Filip Kvrgic, Merz Akademie (2021)

The Merz Akademie expands the AMCRS!

Project Partners from the University of Konstanz visiting the VR Lab at Merz Akademie, 2023, copyright: E. Böker, CASCB

The university area of the AMCRS is expanding! We are very pleased to welcome the Merz Akademie – University of Applied Arts, Design and Media from Stuttgart as new HEROES in our network!

The Merz Akademie positions itself as an innovative place of learning between a classical art academy, a design university and a aculty of humanities. Their focus areas are film and video, new media and visual communication with a special emphasis on theory and cultural studies.  

Read more about the Merz Akademie here!

Animation movie for the Herd Hover Project, CASCB, Konstanz (2022)