Games companies and institutions from Baden-Württemberg will once again have the opportunity to present themselves to the public at Gamescom in Cologne from August 21 to 23, 2024. This year, MFG Baden-Württemberg is once again organizing THE LÄND joint stand in the business area of the world’s largest trade fair for computer and video games. Interested companies can now apply to exhibit at the stand.
At the trade fair, participants present themselves to the trade audience and make contacts in the international games scene. Co-exhibitors at THE LÄND joint stand benefit from discounted participation conditions, a comprehensive service package and joint communication activities.
All information about the Gamescom appearance can be found on the website. Places for co-exhibitors are limited. An application is necessary. This is uncomplicated and possible until April 1, 2024 via an online form.
The stand is organized by MFG Baden-Württemberg in cooperation with Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i), supported by K³ Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaftsbüro Karlsruhe and funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism.
Source and further information: MFG Baden-Württemberg
In 2023, our HEROES from Pixelcloud were part of the stand, and in 2022 Zeitland Media & Games.