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ZFF for Kids Audience Award for The Super Elfkins

The Super Elfkins

“THE SUPER ELFKINS“ (Die Heinzels – Neue Mützen, neue Mission) won the ZFF Audience Award for Kids at the 20th anniversary edition of the Zurich Film Festival 2024! AMCRS HEROES were also involved in the 3D animated feature film by Ute von Münchow-PohlSERU Animation with Sebastian Runschke (producer) and SOLA MEDIA with Solveig Langeland (executive producer). Congratulations to everyone involved!

The movie revolves around the adventures of elfkin girl Elfie who discovers the existence of a technically advanced Elfkin gang that, in stark contrast to Elfie’s own clan, is second to none when it comes to fun and thrill-seeking. Cinema release in Germany is December 24, 2024.

More about The Super Elfkins at SERU Animation

Thomas Strittmatter Award 2024

TSP Winner 2024 Schiar Simo („Himmelfahrt“) (right) and Maria Köpf (Jury), Oskar Sulowski (Jury), Anne Zohra Berrached (Jury), MFG Managing Director Carl Bergengruen, State Secretary of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg Arne Braun © AEDT, Stefan Krempl

Screenwriter Schiar Simo is the winner of the 2024 Thomas Strittmatter Prize, endowed with 20,000 euros by MFG Filmförderung, for his screenplay for the black humor thriller “Himmelfahrt“. In the story, a Syrian man who is considered a model migrant and lives as a baker in Germany turns out to be a terrorist ‘sleeper’ who unexpectedly has to choose between his new home and his sacred mission.

The Thomas Strittmatter Prize was presented by Arne Braun, State Secretary of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg, and MFG Managing Director Carl Bergengruen at a festive reception on the fringes of the 74. Berlinale at the Baden-Württemberg State Representation. A number of current MFG-funded productions were also presented, in particular the Berlinale films “Treasure” by director Julia von Heinz, the German-Tanzanian documentary “The Empty Tomb” by directors Cece Mlay and Agnes Lisa Wegner and the youth drama “Elbow” by Aslı Özarslan.

In addition to Baden-Württemberg’s Minister President Winfried Kretschmann and personalities and filmmakers from numerous fields, representatives of the AMCRS and their HEROES were also guests, including the team of the animated film “Giants of La Mancha” (including Dominique Schuchmann and Wolfgang Kerber (M.A.R.K. 13) as well as Benjamin Ey (Studio 100) and one of the voice actors, Julian Janssen (‘Checker’ team)), Jan Pinkava (Animationsinsitut), Lilian Klages (Eagle Eye Filmproduktion), Kate Forsdick (M.A.R.K. 13), Heiko Burkardsmaier (Accenture Song Content Germany GmbH), Sebastian Runschke (SERU Animation), Robert Gehring (MFG), AMCRS manager Stefanie Larson and many more.

Photo: Julia Merkel, Bildschön
Photo: Julia Merkel, Bildschön
Photo: AEDT, Stefan Krempl
Photo: Julia Merkel, Bildschön

Sources: MFG Baden-Württemberg

The AMCRS HEROES @ FMX, ITFS and APDs on Thursday, April 27, 2023!

FMX (Photo: Dominique Brewing)

Check out where to find our HEROES at FMX, ITFS and APDs on Thursday, April 27!

9:30-18:00 CET
FMX Marketplace
MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH/AMCRS, RnDeep GmbH

9:30-18:00 CET
FMX, Eyth-Saal, Turm A, Turm B
Recruiting Hub
Accenture Song Content Germany GmbH, jangled nerves, Pixomondo, recomFilm, RISE | Visual Effects Studios, Scanline VFX

9:30-18:00 CET
FMX Recruiting Booth in front of Haus der Wirtschaft
RISE | Visual Effects Studios

9:30-18:00 CET
FMX School Campus
Animationsinstitut, Hochschule der Medien, Hochschule Offenburg

10:00 CET
FMX König-Karl-Halle
Realtime Worlds: Tips and Tricks for Creating Stunning Visuals in Camera and Post
Nathan Larouche, VFX Supervisor, Mark Dauth, Compositor, Pixomondo

10:00 CET
FMX Raum Tübingen
Animation Schools Exchange
If you would like to join the Animation Schools Exchange please reach out to Please note: This is an invite only event.

10:30 CET
ITFS Gloria 2
Young Animation 1 (Rep.)
Kolaj (Gülce Besen Dilek, Filmakademie)

12:30 CET
FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28)
VFX Team Sustainability: Growing and Retaining Talent
Marian Dobrunz, Head of HR, RISE | Visual Effects Studios, Jasmin Hasel, Vice President & Executive Producer European Operations, Scanline VFX

12:30 CET
FMX Turm Aalen
Challenging Productions for Web/TV/Cinema: TALES OF ZALE and HUI BUH 2
Peter Lames, Accenture Song / Associate VFX Supervisor, Animationsinstitut Alumnus, Roland Petrizza, Senior Digital Compositor at Accenture Song, Accenture Song Content Germany GmbH, Filmakademie Alumnus, Sveta Yuferova, Director, Animationsinstitut Alumna

13:00 CET
ITFS Cinema
Workshop: Scoring and Sound Design for Animated Short Films: A Transcultural Collaboration
Prof. Olaf Taranczewski, Musikhochschule Trossingen

13:05 CET
FMX Raum Mannheim, The Houdini Suite
Our Solaris experience so far at RISE
Bernhard Esperester, Head of Lighting, Oliver Markowski, Head of 3D, Fuat Yüksel, Head of FX, RISE | Visual Effects Studios

13:30 CET
FMX School Campus
Meet up with all Fresh Vision talents & European Animation Development Lab „Animation Sans Frontières“ (ASF).

14:00 CET
ITFS Open Air
Animation connects Europe! – Kids
Mobile (Verena Fels, Animationsinstitut Alumna)

14:30 CET
FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28)
Is the (current) VFX Business Model Sustainable?
Panel hosted by Heiko Burkardsmaier (VFX Executive Producer, Accenture song VFX)

14:30 CET
FMX Turm Aalen & Video on Demand (from April 28)
From VR to animated installations: THE FAMILY PORTRAIT and TALES FROM SODA ISLAND
Dan Franke, VR Artist & Co-Founder and Director of Studio Syro, Animationsinstitut Alumnus

15:00 CET
ITFS Open Air
My Fairy Troublemaker

15:45 CET
FMX König-Karl-Halle
How RISE gave GHOSTED a Spin
Michael Wortmann, VFX Supervisor, RISE | Visual Effects Studios

15:45 CET
FMX Raum Heilbronn, The Autodesk Suite & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28)
Bad Ghouls: A look at the award-winning workflow behind A Calling. From the Desert. To the Sea
Animationsinstitut Students & Alumni: Lennard Fricke, VFX Producer, Lukas Kapp, Creature TD, Lukas Löffler, Lead Compositor, Mario Bertsch, VFX Supervisor, Till Sander-Titgemeyer, Character Artist

15:45 CET
FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal & & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28)
Evolving Places for a Sustainable Future
Moderator: Stefanie Larson, AMCRS

16:00 CET
ITFS Gloria 1
AniMovie/Kids: Three Robbers and a Lion
Sola Media (World Sales)

18:15 CET
FMX Meidinger-Saal & Video on Demand (from April 28)
Fully Immersive Adaptations: Hölderlin’s Echo VR and ShakesVR
Professor Susanne Marschall, University of Tübingen

19:00 CET
FMX, FMX Square in front of Haus der Wirtschaft
Thursday GET-TOGETHER sponsored by RISE | Visual Effects Studios

21:00 CET
ITFS Gloria 1
International Competition 3
Miles Davis – What’s Love Got to Do With It (Irina Rubina, AI Alumna, FMX Trailer)

22:00 CET
ITFS Cinema
Best of Animation 3 – Get an Earful
Films by Andreas Hykade, Jürgen Haas et. Al, Studio Film Bilder, Animationsinstitut Alumni, curated by Förderverein ITFS e.V.

FMX (Photo: Dominique Brewing)