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Start-Up Monday at the Filmakademie in Ludwigsburg

The first Start-Up Monday in 2025 will be held on February 10, 2025, organized by the City of Ludwigsburg in collaboration with Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg‘s Animationsinstitut and the Kontaktstelle Frau und Beruf Ludwigsburg – Region Stuttgart. The event will take place at the Filmakademie, Filmgalerie, Akademiehof 10 in Ludwigsburg.

After a presentation and discussion of the “Ludwigsburg gründungsfreundlich” (Ludwigsburg Founding-Friendly) concept, the event moves into the Prompt Arena under the guidance and moderation of Florian Schweer.

Starting at 16:30 CET, institutions supporting startups will introduce themselves, providing an opportunity for direct exchange – with Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i) | Start-up BW | Senioren der Wirtschaft e.V. | MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbH | IHK Region Stuttgart Bezirkskammer Ludwigsburg | bwcon und Accelerator M.Tech | Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS) | S-Wagnis der Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg | Kokolores Collective.

At 18:00 CET, Ludwigsburg’s Mayor, Dr. Matthias Knecht, will officially open the evening program with a panel discussion featuring experts on the three key focus areas of Ludwigsburg’s startup strategy: creative industries, tech startups, and female founders. What are best practices? To what extent do these areas complement each other, or are they in competition? Which support programs are truly effective for the target audience? What are their needs and expectations?

Around 19:00 CET, it’s time to say, “Welcome to the Prompt Arena!” Prompting is a hot topic right now, as so-called prompts are used to give commands to AI. This interactive and entertaining format invites the audience to watch eight participants live as they use generative AI in the creative process. Here, you can experience prompting up close and see the results for yourself.

If you’d like to actively participate in the Prompt Arena, you can sign up with Max Höllen ( – teams are also welcome!

More information and registration | Event at LinkedIn

Source: City of Ludwigsburg