The animated series “Lena’s Farm” by Elena Walf (Studio FILM BILDER) will be broadcast on KiKA, the children’s channel of ARD and ZDF, from February 4, 2025. In the new animated series for pre-school children, the animals on Lena’s farm experience all kinds of social challenges, which are told non-verbally in humorous stories. “Lena’s Farm” (ZDF) – an instructive example of understanding and tolerance – can be seen from February 4, 2025, Mondays to Fridays at 9:10 CET as well as on and in the KiKANiNCHEN app.
Lena’s Farm, Image: Studio FILM BILDER
Author Elena Walf tells heart-warming stories about understanding and tolerance. Each episode revolves around a different problem between individuals and the group, with a different animal always taking center stage. These are interpersonal problems that are easy for children to understand thanks to the translation into the animal world. The series manages without any language at all. Elena Walf’s imagery is all the more expressive for that. It is as clearly and pointedly drawn as it is lovingly embellished in detail.
Our Creators @ FMX and ITFS on Tuesday, April 23, 2024!
Let’s get started with STUTTGART ANIMATED WEEK2024, during which animation, VFX and games fans and professionals from all over the world will come together in Stuttgart to experience and exchange the latest trends, most impressive projects and most exciting stories: FMX – Film & Media Exchange (April 23-26, 2024), the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (April 23-28, 2024) and the Animation Production Days (April 23-25, 2024) will take place! We could hardly wait!
10:00-18:00 FMX, Foyer Bertha Benz Immersive XR Demos Track “EU XR” curated by Volker Helzle, Animationsinstitut / FABW EMIL: FABW – Fate of the Minotaur: Alexander Kreische, Andreas Dahn, Eduard Schäfer, Justus Blönnigen, Leszek Plichta, Lisa Forelli, Simon Spielmann, Volker Helzle, Yvonne Krühler Pixelcloud – Climate Change VR: Christoph Rasulis, Elija Schneider, Jonas Kirchner MAX-R: FABW – VPET (Digital Locations) & AnimHost: Alexandru Tufis-Schwartz, Francesco Andreussi, Jonas Trottnow, Simon Haag, Simon Spielmann, Volker Helzle
14:30 FMX Meidinger-Saal Immersive Artwork: Pushing the boundaries of location based entertainment Track “Games & Beyond” curated by Anna Brinkschulte, Animationsinstitut / FABW
15:45 FMX Meidinger-Saal, VOD Creating The Blackwall VFX for Cyberpunk 2077 : Phantom Liberty Track “Games & Beyond” curated by Anna Brinkschulte, Animationsinstitut / FABW
16:00-19:30 ITFS Königsbau-Passagen GameZone „The Bear – A Story from the WORLD OF GRA“ (by ITFS/FMX/APD Trailer Team) Animationsinstitut Alumni (Mucks! Games)
17:00 FMX Meidinger-Saal, VOD THE BEAR – Making Meaningful Mobile Games and Designing for Calmness Animationsinstitut Alumni Clara Deitmar, Julius Dorsel (Mucks! Games, FMX/ITFS/APD 2024 trailer team) Track “Games & Beyond” curated by Anna Brinkschulte, Animationsinstitut / FABW
17:00 LAVAlabs, Mittelstraße 9/1, 70180 Stuttgart BBQ Lavalabs All AMCRS members are cordially invited!
19:00 FMX Plaza in front of Haus der Wirtschaft Get-Together
April 7, 2024
SWR TV documentary about current animation projects involving our Creators
Fritzi & Sophie – A Boundless Friendship
The German TV documentary “Frame by Frame – Wie Trickfilmer ticken” by SWR provides insights into the creation of the animated series “Fritzi & Sophie – A Boundless Friendship” and the animated feature film “The Light of Aisha”.
“Fritzi & Sophie” is a co-production of Balance Film Dresden, Trickstudio Lutterbeck Cologne and our CREATORS from Studio Filmbilder in Stuttgart and the first animation series to be produced entirely in Germany. Director and producer Thomas Meyer-Hermann (Studio Filmbilder), director and producer Ralf Kukula (Balance Film) and others involved in the production process will talk about the new technique in animated film of using motion capture in combination with CGI.
Exciting insights into the series and its creation will also be available in a few weeks at the Stuttgart Animated Week at FMX and ITFS. It will also celebrate its world premiere at ITFS (episodes 1-4, episodes 5-8).
Shadi Adib, director of the feature film “The Light of Aisha” and alumna of Animationsinstitut, talks about the making of the international co-production, whose screenplay by Xavier Romero and Llorenç Español won the German Animation Screenplay Award at ITFS 2019 and which is due to be released in cinemas in the fall. Further insights are provided by Kate Forsdick and Holger Tesch from The M.A.R.K. 13 Group in Stuttgart and Peter Keydel from Mago Production in Barcelona.
Take a look!
Directly to feature in the ARD media library, it is available until April 1, 2025.
On Wednesday, October 11 at 20:00 CET, the HFM – Haus für Film und Medien Stuttgart e.V. will show the animated masterpiece “Loving Vincent” as part of the event series HFM X Arthaus in the Atelier am Bollwerk / Arthaus Filmtheater Stuttgart GmbH (Hohe Str. 26, 70176 Stuttgart).
The event will be moderated by Uwe Schmitz-Gielsdorf (former managing director of the Film- und Medienfestival gGmbH), guest will be Thomas Meyer-Hermann (animated film producer and director, Studio Filmbilder Stuttgart).
The AMCRS HEROES @ ITFS on Sunday, April 30, 2023!
ITFS Trickstars (Photo: Reiner Pfisterer)
The last day of a week full of events and inspiration, great meetings with old and new friends, an incredible amount of new background knowledge about current developments in art, technology and research, hopefully many new project ideas and collaborations and above all films, games and other media projects and experiences has almost arrived! We hope you’ve made it this far – here come the events our AMCRS HEROES are involved in at the ITFSon Sunday, April 30, 2023. We are keeping our fingers crossed for all nominees for the grand ITFS 2023 award ceremony!
The AMCRS HEROES @ ITFS on Saturday, April 29, 2023!
ITFS Open Air (Photo: Reiner Pfisterer)
Hands up, it’s weekend! Enjoy your time at ITFS and check here to see which of our HEROES (or their works) will also be there on Saturday, April 29, 2023.
20:30 CET ITFS Gloria 2 Best of Animation – Homemade Highlights 2 Films by Regina Welker, Thomas Meyer-Hermann, Anselm Pyta, Angela Steffen, Kiana Naghshineh, Shoko Hara, Studio Filmbilder, Animationsinstitut Alumni et al., curated by Förderverein ITFS e.V.
10:00 CET FMX König-Karl-Halle Realtime Worlds: Tips and Tricks for Creating Stunning Visuals in Camera and Post Nathan Larouche, VFX Supervisor, Mark Dauth, Compositor, Pixomondo
12:30 CET FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) VFX Team Sustainability: Growing and Retaining Talent Marian Dobrunz, Head of HR, RISE | Visual Effects Studios, Jasmin Hasel, Vice President & Executive Producer European Operations, Scanline VFX
12:30 CET FMX Turm Aalen Challenging Productions for Web/TV/Cinema: TALES OF ZALE and HUI BUH 2 Peter Lames, Accenture Song / Associate VFX Supervisor, Animationsinstitut Alumnus, Roland Petrizza, Senior Digital Compositor at Accenture Song, Accenture Song Content Germany GmbH, Filmakademie Alumnus, Sveta Yuferova, Director, Animationsinstitut Alumna
13:05 CET FMX Raum Mannheim, The Houdini Suite Our Solaris experience so far at RISE Bernhard Esperester, Head of Lighting, Oliver Markowski, Head of 3D, Fuat Yüksel, Head of FX, RISE | Visual Effects Studios
13:30 CET FMX School Campus Meet up with all Fresh Vision talents & European Animation Development Lab „Animation Sans Frontières“ (ASF). Animationsinstitut
14:30 CET FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) Is the (current) VFX Business Model Sustainable? Panel hosted by Heiko Burkardsmaier (VFX Executive Producer, Accenture song VFX)
14:30 CET FMX Turm Aalen & Video on Demand (from April 28) From VR to animated installations: THE FAMILY PORTRAIT and TALES FROM SODA ISLAND Dan Franke, VR Artist & Co-Founder and Director of Studio Syro, Animationsinstitut Alumnus
15:45 CET FMX Raum Heilbronn, The Autodesk Suite & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) Bad Ghouls: A look at the award-winning workflow behind A Calling. From the Desert. To the Sea Animationsinstitut Students & Alumni: Lennard Fricke, VFX Producer, Lukas Kapp, Creature TD, Lukas Löffler, Lead Compositor, Mario Bertsch, VFX Supervisor, Till Sander-Titgemeyer, Character Artist
18:15 CET FMX Meidinger-Saal & Video on Demand (from April 28) Fully Immersive Adaptations: Hölderlin’s Echo VR and ShakesVR Professor Susanne Marschall, University of Tübingen
19:00 CET FMX, FMX Square in front of Haus der Wirtschaft Thursday GET-TOGETHER sponsored by RISE | Visual Effects Studios
14:00-15:30 CET APDs L-Bank Rotunde (available as VoD to all APD accredited participants) APDs Conference Part 1, Case Study 1 From Film School to Industry with “Ich kenne ein Tier / I know an animal” – A Launchpad for Young Animators Prof. Andreas Hykade, Head of Animation Directing, Animationsinstitut/Filmakademie
14:30 CET FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal & Video on Demand (from April 28) Evolving Research & Technology for a Minimized Footprint Prof. Jan Adamczyk, Hochschule der Medien, Professor Susanne Marschall, Professor, University of Tuebingen, Volker Helzle, Head of Research and Development, Animationsinstitut
14:30 CET FMX Raum Heilbronn, The Autodesk Suite & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) No turning back because I deleted the folders – the early adopter USD journey at RISE Kolja Hübschmann, Oliver Markowski, (RISE I Visual Effects Studios)
15:00 CET ITFS Gloria 2 Tricks for Kids 1 Trudes Tier – Glückshof (Klaus Morschheuser, Studio Soi), Katze (Julia Ocker, Studio Filmbilder)
16:15 CET FMX Raum Reutlingen & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) Accenture Song Recruiting Presentation Michael Bergmann, Recruiting Senior Specialist, Gus Martinez, Compositing and VFX Supervisor, Carina Thomiczny, 3D Senior Realtime Artist, Accenture Song Content Germany GmbH
17:30 CET ITFS Open Air Best of Animation 1 – Homemade Highlights 1 Films by Tine Kluth, Julia Ocker, Andreas Hykade, Marc Schleiss, Gottfried Mentor, Volker Engel, Johannes Weiland et al., Hochschule der Medien, Studio Filmbilder, Animationsinstitut Alumni, curated by Förderverein ITFS e.V.
17:00 CET FMX König-Karl-Halle & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) Creating Visual Effects for STRANGER THINGS, Season 4 Overall VFX Supervisor and Emmy Award winner Jabbar Raisani, Additional VFX Supervisor Marion Spates, Jan Burda, VFX Supervisor, Accenture Song Content Germany GmbH
17:00 CET FMX Turm Aalen & Video on Demand (from April 28) A Calling. From The Desert. To The Sea. Animationsinstitut Students & Alumni: Lennard Fricke, VFX Producer, Lukas Kapp, Creature TD, Lukas Löffler, Lead Compositor, Mario Bertsch, VFX Supervisor, Till Sander-Titgemeyer, Character Artist
11:15 CET FMX Bertha-Benz-Saal & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) Green Shooting – The Ecological Standards as a Funding Requirement Marian Bendix Metzner, Project Manager Film Funding / Green Shooting, MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH
14:30 CET FMX Meidinger-Saal & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) Kleo Matthias Backmann, Compositing Supervisor, Pascal Bußmann, VFX Supervisor, LAVAlabs
14:30 CET FMX Raum Tübingen & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) EMIL – European Media and ImmersionLab Volker Helzle, Head of Research and Development, Dr. Alexander Kreische, Jonas Trottnow, Software Developer, Animationsinstitut, Filmakademie
14:30 CET FMX Turm Aalen & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) Little Heroes / LEVEL UP / Petrushka / Mine Diamonds – A minecraft parody / Grandpa tell me about the climate change Presented by Alexandra Joshi (International Network Animationsinstitut, Filmakademie) and Mark Szilagyi (International Office Filmakademie)
15:45 CET FMX Turm Aalen& VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) Roots / Rooms Inside Out / Vessel /Take a deep breath / Peach – Royal Enfield / The Artist‘s Workshop Presented by Alexandra Joshi (International Network Animationsinstitut, Filmakademie ) and Mark Szilagyi (International Office Filmakademie)
17:00 CET FMX König-Karl-Halle & VIDEO ON DEMAND (from April 28) Making Of THE BEAUTY (Trailer FMX 2023) Pascal Schelbli, Director & CG Artist, Marc Angele, Animation & VFX Artist, Aleksandra Todorovic, Producer, Noel Winzen, Character Rigger, Animationsinstut Alumni
18:00 CET Mittelstraße 9/1, Stuttgart LAVAlabs BBQ