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New Study: Baden-Württemberg Now Germany’s Leading Hub for Animation Film and VFX

Image: Cover Study, Goldmedia / MFG

Source: MFG Baden-Württemberg, January 24, 2025

A recent study by the research institute Goldmedia shows that Baden-Württemberg has risen to become Germany’s leading hub for animation films and digital feature film production in recent years. No other federal state in Germany is home to as many companies and professionals generating films and series entirely digitally. Many VFX companies based in Baden-Württemberg also collaborate on major Hollywood productions. Since 2010, the revenue of the local animation and VFX industry has grown by a remarkable 800 percent, reaching 170 million euros. According to the study, this development is largely attributed to the targeted support provided by Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg (MFG).

MFG Managing Director Carl Bergengruen stated: “In 2014, we became the first federal state to introduce a highly effective funding instrument specifically tailored to the animation and visual effects sector, laying the foundation for the significant growth of this industry.” Currently, the revenue in the field of animation and visual effects in Baden-Württemberg is generated by 85 companies. In 2010, there were only around 30 such businesses.

In the field of digital games, the study also identified significant revenue growth of at least 90 percent since 2015, reaching 190 million euros in Baden-Württemberg. This revenue is generated by 146 companies. The substantial growth is partly due to a specialized funding program introduced by the MFG in 2020 for local games companies. This program supports innovative games projects from concept to production.

The study also highlights the industrial policy significance of the animation, VFX, and games sectors for Baden-Württemberg. Technological innovations from these fields are already being applied in a wide range of industries, from the automotive sector and mechanical engineering to healthcare. However, 48 percent of the orders in the VFX and animation industry come from the audiovisual media sector, including film and series productions for cinema, streaming, and television.

In the games market, a significant portion of orders – 45 percent – comes from the entertainment sector of audiovisual media. However, similar to the animation and VFX sectors, there is a growing trend in orders from other industries.

The study also underscores the importance of the 70 industry-relevant degree programs and the highly sought-after networking and advisory activities offered by the MFG in the fields of animation, VFX, and games. Examples include the “Animation Media Creators Region Stuttgart” (AMCRS) network.

Source (in German): MFG, Goldmedia

Link to the study

The Stuttgarter Zeitung also reported on this topic in the article “Region Stuttgart ist Spitze bei Spezialeffekten aus Deutschland” on January 24, 2025. To the article

SAVE THE DATE, April 18, 2023: Panel Discussion “Medienproduktion der Zukunft”

Image: NEOSHIN – Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Media production is undergoing profound changes that make a move towards innovative and technologically savvy production structures inevitable.

With topics such as mixed reality studios, virtual production with digitally prepared film locations, artificial intelligence as well as expanded LED technology, new possibilities are being created for film and media productions – especially in the area of moving image media. All sectors benefit from this, such as cinema, documentary and animated film, journalistic formats and live reporting. But new opportunities are also opening up for the visual effects (VFX) industry and, not least, for advertising film, which the region must take advantage of if it is not to lose out nationally and internationally in the field of media production.

What: Standortdialog „Medienproduktion der Zukunft“ (the panel discussion will be held in German)
When: Tuesday April 18, April 2023 / 10:00-17:00 CET
Where: Garage 229 / Haußmannstr. 229 / 70188 Stuttgart
About: Focus on film and media production
Technical Infrastructure / Shortage of skilled workers / Strengthening the production landscape and film and media funding / Technical research and development

An event by: Film Commission Region Stuttgart / WRS Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation

The Center for Media Competence and the Chair of Audiovisual Media, Film and Television at the Institute of Media Studies at the University of Tübingen have been commissioned by the WRS Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation to produce a current qualitative study on the media production of the future in the moving image sector, which provides recommendations for action for the Stuttgart Region as a business location.

To the study (German):

Authors:: Alexa Vogel, Ilja Mirsky, Project Management: Prof. Dr. Susanne Marschall and Kurt Schneider.
Study Partners: Südwestrundfunk (SWR)Film Commission Region Stuttgartb.ReX GmbHRecom Film GmbH & Co. KG.

More information (German):

Animationsinstitut Showreel 2022

Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg‘s Animationsinstitut has just released its 2022 showreel featuring work by students from the fields of animation, visual effects and interactive media. This year’s showreel consists of scenes from the projects A CALLING FROM THE DESERT TO THE SEA, THE LAST SMOKER, HOW MANY, PUSSY LOVE, TOWN HALL SQUARE, MAKULATOUR, THE LAST BAR, KOLAJ, SYMBLINGS, FISH OR CHIPS. Have fun watching!

And don’t forget: the application deadline for the academic year 2023 is February 15, 2023. Click here to apply!