The animated series “Lena’s Farm” by Elena Walf (Studio FILM BILDER) will be broadcast on KiKA, the children’s channel of ARD and ZDF, from February 4, 2025. In the new animated series for pre-school children, the animals on Lena’s farm experience all kinds of social challenges, which are told non-verbally in humorous stories. “Lena’s Farm” (ZDF) – an instructive example of understanding and tolerance – can be seen from February 4, 2025, Mondays to Fridays at 9:10 CET as well as on and in the KiKANiNCHEN app.

Author Elena Walf tells heart-warming stories about understanding and tolerance. Each episode revolves around a different problem between individuals and the group, with a different animal always taking center stage. These are interpersonal problems that are easy for children to understand thanks to the translation into the animal world. The series manages without any language at all. Elena Walf’s imagery is all the more expressive for that. It is as clearly and pointedly drawn as it is lovingly embellished in detail.
„Lena’s Farm“ is a production by Studio FILM BILDER GmbH, Producer ist Thomas Meyer-Hermann (more information and credits at Studio FILM BILDER). Editor in charge at ZDF is Ingo Weis.