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New Study: Baden-Württemberg Now Germany’s Leading Hub for Animation Film and VFX

Image: Cover Study, Goldmedia / MFG

Source: MFG Baden-Württemberg, January 24, 2025

A recent study by the research institute Goldmedia shows that Baden-Württemberg has risen to become Germany’s leading hub for animation films and digital feature film production in recent years. No other federal state in Germany is home to as many companies and professionals generating films and series entirely digitally. Many VFX companies based in Baden-Württemberg also collaborate on major Hollywood productions. Since 2010, the revenue of the local animation and VFX industry has grown by a remarkable 800 percent, reaching 170 million euros. According to the study, this development is largely attributed to the targeted support provided by Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg (MFG).

MFG Managing Director Carl Bergengruen stated: “In 2014, we became the first federal state to introduce a highly effective funding instrument specifically tailored to the animation and visual effects sector, laying the foundation for the significant growth of this industry.” Currently, the revenue in the field of animation and visual effects in Baden-Württemberg is generated by 85 companies. In 2010, there were only around 30 such businesses.

In the field of digital games, the study also identified significant revenue growth of at least 90 percent since 2015, reaching 190 million euros in Baden-Württemberg. This revenue is generated by 146 companies. The substantial growth is partly due to a specialized funding program introduced by the MFG in 2020 for local games companies. This program supports innovative games projects from concept to production.

The study also highlights the industrial policy significance of the animation, VFX, and games sectors for Baden-Württemberg. Technological innovations from these fields are already being applied in a wide range of industries, from the automotive sector and mechanical engineering to healthcare. However, 48 percent of the orders in the VFX and animation industry come from the audiovisual media sector, including film and series productions for cinema, streaming, and television.

In the games market, a significant portion of orders – 45 percent – comes from the entertainment sector of audiovisual media. However, similar to the animation and VFX sectors, there is a growing trend in orders from other industries.

The study also underscores the importance of the 70 industry-relevant degree programs and the highly sought-after networking and advisory activities offered by the MFG in the fields of animation, VFX, and games. Examples include the “Animation Media Creators Region Stuttgart” (AMCRS) network.

Source (in German): MFG, Goldmedia

Link to the study

The Stuttgarter Zeitung also reported on this topic in the article “Region Stuttgart ist Spitze bei Spezialeffekten aus Deutschland” on January 24, 2025. To the article

VES Awards Nominations for Accenture Song VFX, Scanline VFX and Pixomondo!

Congratulations to our CREATORS from Accenture Song VFX, Scanline VFX, and PIXOMONDO for their nominations at the 2025 VES Awards! The Visual Effects Society’s prestigious annual celebration recognizes outstanding visual effects artistry and innovation worldwide and the VFX supervisors, VFX producers and hands-on artists who bring this work to life.

Accenture Song VFX are nominated in the OUTSTANDING ENVIRONMENT IN AN EPISODE, COMMERCIAL, GAME CINEMATIC, OR REAL-TIME PROJECT category for “Dune: Prophecy; Two Wolves; Zimia Spaceport“.

Teams from PIXOMONDO have been nominated no less than four times: in the OUTSTANDING VISUAL EFFECTS IN A PHOTOREAL EPISODE category for “House of the Dragon S2: The Red Dragon and the Gold“, in the OUTSTANDING CG CINEMATOGRAPHY category for “House of the Dragon S2: Battle at Rook’s Rest“, in the OUTSTANDING COMPOSITING & LIGHTING IN AN EPISODE category for “The Boys S4: Life Among the Septics“ and “The Penguin: After Hours“.

Scanline VFX got two nominations in the OUTSTANDING EFFECTS SIMULATIONS IN AN EPISODE, COMMERCIAL, GAME CINEMATIC, OR REAL-TIME PROJECT category – for “Avatar: The Last Airbender; Legends; Koizilla“ and “Three Body Problem; Judgement Day“.

The winners will be announced at the awards gala on February 11, 2025. We are keeping our fingers crossed for everyone involved!

All nominees

Welcome, Red Parrot Studios Stuttgart!

Tehran Taboo

New year – new CREATORS! We’re beyond excited to welcome Red Parrot Studios Stuttgart to our network!

Whether it is 3D animation for the whole family (MOONBOUND, TAFITI), high-quality VFX (THE MUCKLAS… AND HOW THEY CAME TO PETTERSON AND FINDUS), cartoonish 2D animation (FRIEDEFELD) or innovative animation techniques for sophisticated arthouse films (TEHRAN TABOO, LITTLE GERMANS) – ever since its foundation in 2014, Red Parrot Studios has established itself as one of the most creative animation studios in Germany. 

Find out more about Red Parrot Studios!

Peterchens Mondfahrt – Moonbound

Open Days at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Press Release Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and Animationsinstituts, Ludwigsburg, November 12, 2024

Open Days at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg: A Look Behind the Scenes – Online and On-Site in Ludwigsburg

The world of media is becoming increasingly diverse: films, series, streaming services, and transmedia formats. How can young people navigate this wide array of options to discover their interests and determine the right educational or career path for them? The Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg (FABW) and its Animationsinstitut provide guidance with two Open Days. On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, the Filmakademie will participate online in the statewide Study Information Day. Additionally, the FABW will host an on-site event on Thursday, November 28, 2024, offering exclusive insights to visitors in Ludwigsburg.

Set Extension Workshop 2023, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Whether it’s about study programs, admission requirements, or campus life in Ludwigsburg – lecturers, students, study coordinators, and project supervisors will be available to answer questions and present the various disciplines of the Filmakademie. The student office will also provide comprehensive advice on applications, tuition fees, and admission requirements. Upon request, attendees can receive a certificate of participation.

Overview of degree programs and specializations at the Filmakademie:

  • At Animationsinstitut: Animation, Animation/Effects Producing, Interactive Media, Technical Directing, Visual Effects
  • At Filmakademie: Cinematography, Documentary Film (Directing), Screenwriting (Feature Film & Series), Film Music, Film Sound/Sound Design, Journalistic Film (Directing), Editing, Motion Design, Production: Executive & Line Producing / International Producing / Series Producing, Production Design / Art Direction, Narrative Film (Directing), Commercial Film (Directing & Producing)

Detailed programs are available here:

Online, November 20, 2024: The program and login details for the online events are available here (will be activated on the day of the event)
Online Open Day Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Online Open Day Animationsinstitut

On-site, November 28, 2024: The Program is available here
Open Day Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Open Day Animationsinstitut

In advance, interested individuals have the opportunity to explore the campus and the Animationsinstitut on the Filmakademie’s YouTube channels, watch informational videos, and discover numerous films:

Heiko Burkardsmaier receives the Baden-Württemberg Honorary Film Award 2024

Press Release Filmbüro Baden-Württemberg, October 30, 2024

Heiko BurkardsmaierVFX Executive Producer and Head of Business/Legal Affairs at Accenture Song VFX in Stuttgart, receives this year’s Baden-Württemberg Honorary Film Award (Baden-Württembergischer Ehrenfilmpreis). Based in the capital of Baden-Württemberg, Heiko Burkardsmaier has uniquely shaped the VFX industry in Stuttgart, both economically and artistically, playing a pivotal role in establishing the region as a European leader in this field. Together with his teams, Heiko Burkardsmaier creates sensational visual effects for Hollywood blockbusters, earning international film awards for their precise and creative work “Made in Stuttgart,” including an Oscar, several Emmys, and numerous Emmy nominations.

Heiko Burkardsmaier, Photo: Filmschau BW

The unendowed honorary film award will be presented at the 30. Filmschau Baden-Württemberg (December 4 to 8, 2024) during the award ceremony on Sunday, December 8, 2024, in the Dürnitz Kulturlounge at the Altes Schloss in Stuttgart. This award honors individuals who help shape the media and film landscape in Baden-Württemberg, provide lasting support through their work, and make a significant contribution to raising the region’s profile beyond state borders.

Under his leadership, outstanding visual effects have been created in Stuttgart for several award-winning feature films and TV projects. These include Martin Scorsese’s Oscar-winning 3D adventure Hugo, the Emmy-winning HBO series Game of Thrones, the Emmy-winning fantasy series Shadow and Bone, and Netflix’s fantasy series Avatar: The Last Airbender. His teams have also created historical and fantastical settings and effects for films like 13 Minutes (German: Elser – er hätte die Welt verändert), Hindenburg, Independence Day: Resurgence, and Girl You Know It’s True.

The award winner, who is well-connected both regionally and internationally, serves as a lecturer at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, an advisor for the Audiovisual Media program at the Stuttgart Media University (HdM), a board member of the Animation Section of the German Producers Association (Produzentenallianz Deutschland), and a member of the Deutsche Filmakademie as well as the Animation Media Creators Region Stuttgart.

Complete Press Release (German)

Filmschau Baden-Württemberg

RnDeep are looking for a Pipeline Developer and Team Lead VFX/Animation (m/f/x)!

Our CREATORS from RnDeep – a company specializing in CGI pipeline development in Europe based in Stuttgart Feuerbach – are looking for a Pipeline Developer and Team Lead VFX/Animation (m/f/x).

They are looking for you with 5+ years of professional experience. You will contribute your expertise in a hybrid working model as a Pipeline Software Developer from the areas of media and entertainment, especially VFX and animation, and help manage 2 junior developers.

The tasks:

  • Development of long-lasting and robust customized software solutions using various technologies such as Python, Qt, Java- / TypeScript, C++, Unreal, Angular.
  • Management and support of 2 junior developers as well as organizational support of the entire team in internal projects.
  • Conceptual collaboration on a research project in which we implement animation tools using Unreal and web technologies
  • Creation of architectures and assessments of new project requirements

You want to know more? Read the complete job description and find out how to apply!

Image: RnDeep

VES AWARDS 2024 Nominations for AMCRS HEROES!

The Visual Effects Society has announced the nominations for the VES Awards 2024! In the race for the awards are the effects created by three companies, which are also HEROES of the AMCRS.

Accenture Song VFX is delighted to receive a nomination for the Robot Dog in “The Nevers: It’s a Good Day” in the OUTSTANDING ANIMATED CHARACTER IN AN EPISODE, COMMERCIAL, GAME CINEMATIC, OR REAL-TIME PROJECT category.

PIXOMONDO has been nominated in the OUTSTANDING CREATED ENVIRONMENT IN AN EPISODE, COMMERCIAL, GAME CINEMATIC, OR REAL-TIME PROJECT category for The Broken Circle in “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds“.

Scanline VFX received a nomination for their effects in “Nyad” in the OUTSTANDING EFFECTS SIMULATIONS IN A PHOTOREAL FEATURE category.

Congratulations to all nominees and fingers crossed for the awards ceremony at the 22nd Annual VES Awards on February 21, 2024 at The Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles!

List of all nominations

M.A.R.K. 13’s Hitchhikers Guide to Animation, VFX, Motion Graphics and beyond. at Innenstadtkinos Stuttgart

Dominique Schuchmann, Owner and Executive Producer The M.A.R.K.13-Group, will give an insight behind the scenes of the animation film industry in a presentation at the Innenstadtkinos Stuttgart (EM2, Königstr. 22 / Ecke Bolzstr. 4). on October 26, 2023, 18:30 CET.

Animation, cartoons, CGI – terms related to animated motion pictures that you may have heard before but can’t quite place. In the Stuttgart region, there are several companies that operate globally in these fields and are part of many film productions that we regularly experience in theaters, advertisements, or promotional films. Dominique Schuchmann takes the audience on a cinematic journey into the world of animated motion picture production, providing insight into what each term means, showcasing various applications, and illustrating their implementation through examples. It’s a glimpse behind the scenes of what’s happening in the world of film in the Stuttgart region.It’s going to be colorful, vibrant, and fun.

In cooperation with the Katholisches Bildungswerk Stuttgart, Evang. Bildungszentrum Hospitalhof Stuttgart

More information & tickets

TechTalks Stuttgart, March 28, 2023

The TechTalks Stuttgart event series presents technical topics from the fields of visual effects (VFX) and animation for scientists, creative professionals, students and the interested public. After the keynote speeches, people can spontaneously take to the microphone on their own behalf. The next event will take place on March 28, 2023, at 18:00 CET at Das Gutbrod, Friedrichstr. 11, 70174 Stuttgart. Admission is free!

Please register in advance at Please note: The event will be recorded, but is not hybrid.

Program Schedule:

Winkelauflösung einer simulierten Lichtfeldanzeige. (Angular resolution of a simulated light field display.) | Sophie Kergaßner, Audiovisual Media (M. Eng.) at Stuttgart Media University

Sophie Kergaßner is currently working on her master’s thesis at Stuttgart Media University. In this context, she recently published a paper on “Bewertung der Winkelauflösung einer simulierten Lichtfeldanzeige im Hinblick auf Dreidimensionalität, Bewegungsparallaxe und Seherlebnis (Evaluating the angular resolution of a simulated light field display with regard to three-dimensionality, motion parallax and visual experience)“, which she will present to us.

„VFX Creature Rigging und Simulation. (VFX Creature Rigging and Simulation.)“ | Lukas Kapp, Freelance Creature TD // Student at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Lukas Kapp studies Technical Directing at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg’s Animationsinstitut. He presents his work on creature rigging and simulation for the Ghoul project (VES Award 2023 for “Outstanding Visual Effects in a Student Project”). As part of his research at Filmakademie, he is also working on the use of artificial intelligence for rigging tasks.

TechTalks Stuttgart is an initiative of the following institutions:

Animation Media Cluster Region Stuttgart | MFG Baden-Württemberg | Film Commission Region Stuttgart Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart | Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg | Animationsinstitut

TechTalks Stuttgart on Facebook

Visual Media Lab Conference (VMLC), May 8-11, 2023, at HdM Stuttgart

The Visual Media Lab Conference will be held at Stuttgart Media University from March 8 to 11, 2023.

This event is for all people interested in film, TV and the science behind moving images. For the creatives, technical pioneers and students who are looking forward to a career in those fields. 

How will films and TV shows be produced with new technologies in the future? What new skills will we need in the process? How will virtual worlds, visual effects and animations be created and which experience and knowledge is useful in production? International speakers from the film & tv industry will discuss these questions during the event on the topics of virtual production, high dynamic range and wide color gamut. 

Pablo Garcia Soriano and Nick Shaw about the creation of the NBU-LUTs used for HDR-SDR simulcast In the FIFA World Cup in Qatar 2022. Christina Caspers-Römer and Christian Kaestner from the “1899” Netflix Series will speak about their studio setup and the challenges of Virtual Production. Presenters from Pixomondo will give insights to their very own workflows for Virtual Production. International cinematographers like Philippe Ros (AFC, ITC), Dave Stump (ASC, ITC), Daniel Schua, and colorists as Julia Leber, Dirk Meier (CSI, BVK, ITC) and Steffen Paul (“1899”) will give insights to their experiences in LED-lighting, cinema productions or commercials. 

All details about the program, tickets, location etc. you can find here: