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VR Gameplay Session at Animationsinstitut

Our CREATORS from Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg‘s Animationsinstitut invite you to join their largest public Gameplay Session for FATE OF THE MINOTAUR! The adventure game is a narrative VR experience crafted by the Animationsinstitut R&D as part of the EU-funded project EMIL (European Media and Immersion Lab). Don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore the intersection of storytelling and immersive gameplay.

The Gameplay Session takes place on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, from 10:00 to 17:00 CET (or later) in the Kuhn Studio at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Ludwigsburg. The event is free of charge, just drop by (no registration needed)!

Whether you’re new to VR or an experienced gamer – the developers want to hear your thoughts! There are various ways of trying things out – as non-interactive stereoscopic 180° film, as interactive single- or multiplayer, stationary or free-roaming (8x8m area).

More information on the project at the EMIL and the Animationsinstitut website.

b.Rex part of the XR EXPO 2024

Image: VDC

Our HEROES from b.Rex will be taking part in the XR EXPO, which will be held on April 3/4, 2024, in Stuttgart’s Haus der Wirtschaft (Willi-Bleicher-Straße 19, 70174 Stuttgart) and organized by the Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) – and they are very much looking forward to welcoming you to their stand!

The XR EXPO is a B2B exhibition fair for Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR), or in short: eXtended Reality (XR). The focus is on XR technologies and professional applications of VR, MR and AR in industry, architecture, health, trade and crafts. The XR EXPO is characterized by XR industry giants, excellent speakers and showcases from practice. The XR EXPO has set itself the goal of being THE meeting point for industry users, technology providers, content service providers and XR researchers. Their get-togethers offer the perfect opportunity for networking.

Find more information and the ticket shop on the expo’s website:

Partners of the event include the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation and MFG Baden-Württemberg.

FABW XR DAY 2023 on November 29

The Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg & Animationsinstitut invite you to their FABW XR DAY 2023. On November 29 from 9:00 to 18:00 CET, the Albrecht Ade Studio with an LED wall setup will be open to all XR and VR professionals and enthusiasts.

At the Networking Breakfast you can find out about the AUREA Young Talent Award 2024 (organized by 2112 Studios and the Filmakademie), which invites graduates of the 2024 diploma year and young professionals (up to and including the 2019 diploma) to submit entries.
Deadline December 20, 2023, call for entries and information here:

Input presentations by Michael Scholz (Founder & Creative Director halbautomaten), Stefan Kolbe (Head of jangled lab) & Marc Schleiss (Creative Director Jangled Nerves) and Volker Helzle (Head of R&D Animationsinstitut) as well as Mack One Deutschland GmbH, LightShape and Pong.Li will provide exciting insights into current projects.

You can also experience the current prototype of the interactive VR experience “MinoXR“, which is being developed as part of the EU-funded EMIL project (
Book your slot here: XR Day – MinoXR Demonstrator | DFN Terminplaner

Further details on the program of the FABW XR Day 2023 at LinkedIn

2nd EMIL call open!

VPET Unreal (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg)

EMIL’s second call for proposals is now open until August 14, 2023! They will be supporting innovative XR projects with funding between 250.000 to 500.000 € and expertise including access to infrastructure. Check out the details on how to apply and eligibility on

About EMIL:
The European Media and Immersion Lab EMIL is a pan-European XR Lab network composed of four major European academic institutions – Aalto University in Finland, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg / Animationsinstitut in Germany, Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Spain and University of Bath in England, with a mission to accelerate development of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies, content, services and applications.

More information

If you want to find out more about the selected FSTP projects from the first call, make sure to check out

Pompeu Fabra University
Pompeu Fabra University
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Bringing the real world into a virtual environment

The Container City at Stuttgart’s Nordbahnhof, an area used by creative professionals with studios, rehearsal rooms and stages, will be demolished at the end of 2023. Our HEROES from the Research & Development department of Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg’s Animationsinstitut and b.rex GmbH have teamed up with Third Picture GbR and digitally captured the Container City as part of a research project to make it accessible through VR technology in the digital world and to preserve it as a cultural site. A groundbreaking project to help bring real and fantasy worlds into the metaverse!

The TV magazine NANO reported about it on the 3Sat channel in their issue of April 25, 2023. Watch it here!