An der Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart findet vom 8. bis 11. März 2023 die englischsprachige Visual Media Lab Conference statt.
Sie richtet sich an alle, die sich für Film, Fernsehen und die Wissenschaft hinter bewegten Bildern interessieren – Kreative, Technical Pioneers und Studierende, die sich für beruflich in diese Bereiche orientieren möchten.
Über die Veranstaltung:
How will films and TV shows be produced with new technologies in the future? What new skills will we need in the process? How will virtual worlds, visual effects and animations be created and which experience and knowledge is useful in production? International speakers from the film & tv industry will discuss these questions during the event on the topics of virtual production, high dynamic range and wide color gamut.
Pablo Garcia Soriano and Nick Shaw about the creation of the NBU-LUTs used for HDR-SDR simulcast In the FIFA World Cup in Qatar 2022. Christina Caspers-Römer and Christian Kaestner from the “1899” Netflix Series will speak about their studio setup and the challenges of Virtual Production. Presenters from Pixomondo will give insights to their very own workflows for Virtual Production. International cinematographers like Philippe Ros (AFC, ITC), Dave Stump (ASC, ITC), Daniel Schua, Julia Leber and colorists as Dirk Meier (CSI, BVK, ITC) and Steffen Paul (“1899”) will give insights to their experiences in LED-lighting, cinema productions or commercials.
Alle Details zu Programm, Tickets, Location etc. findet ihr hier: https://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/vmlab/conferences/VMLC