Institut für Medienwissenschaft

University of Tübingen/Research Center for Animation and Emerging Media – Innovative approaches to studying animation, artificial intelligence, and science communication.

Institut für Medienwissenschaft

University of Tübingen/Research Center for Animation and Emerging Media – Innovative approaches to studying animation, artificial intelligence, and science communication.

The scholars at the Institute of Media Studies at the University of Tübingen research all types of media and how they influence society and culture. The bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in media studies offer students a unique chance to integrate media theory and critical analysis with media production and media competence. The Research Center for Animation and Emerging Media was founded in 2013 as part of the Chair of Audiovisual Media, Film and Television (Prof. Dr. Susanne Marschall) in order to promote innovative
approaches to animation studies in Germany. The Center aims at studying animation, artificial intelligence, and science communication from various
perspectives, e.g., in the projects The Answering Machine and RHET AI (VolkswagenFoundation) as well as AniVision (DFG/FWF). In addition to the Center’s comprehensive research and publication activities, faculty members and students also benefit from the lively exchange with other German and foreign universities, e.g., from a close cooperation with the School of Art, Design
and Media at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. On a regular basis, the students produce animated short films in cooperation with the Center for Media Competence to gain a deeper understanding of the techniques and aesthetics of animated films.


Prof. Dr. Susanne Marschall Chair Audiovisual Media, Film and Television
Dr. Erwin Feyersinger Focus Audiovisual media, film and television

University of Tübingen Research Center for Animation and Emerging Media/ Institute of Media Studies

Wilhelmstr. 50, Raum 208
72074 Tübingen

T +49 (0) 7071 29–78444