Are you at the beginning of your own start-up, currently immersed in developing a new game, or still studying – perhaps “something with media”? Do you come more from an (academic) background but wish to connect with others from the animation, film, and games industries because you value cross-industry exchange? Do you welcome inspiration from a wide range of media sectors, enjoy meeting new people, and aren’t afraid of technological innovation?
Then the TALENT Meet-up BW 2024 is the right thing for you! Apply now for one of the 20 spots in this free, exclusive program with a unique networking opportunity.
Immerse yourself in the Stuttgart Animated Week together with other young professionals and visit the FMX – Film & Media Exchange (April 23-26, 2024), the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (April 23-28, 2024) and the APD Conference (April 23, 2024) of the Animation Production Days with a free Combi Ticket. You will be supported in networking, you will receive individual program tips and the framework for the best possible exchange – with each other and in the international industry. Last but not least, you will get to know regional support services and contacts so that nothing stands in the way of your professional future in THE LÄND.
Application Deadline: March 15, 2024
This way to more information and the application form!
Initiated and organized by: MFG Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation, Film Commission Region Stuttgart, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Animationsinstitut, AMCRS