The Offenburg University of Applied Sciences is a university of applied
sciences in the state of Baden-Württemberg, located in the border
triangle of Germany, France and Switzerland at the foot of the Black
Forest. The Media Faculty offers various degree programs.
mgp (media design production film animation graphic interaction) offers
students training in print, graphics, web design, illustration, 2D/3D
animation, VFX, interactive media, film and audio production. The course
is very practical and project-oriented, but at the same time the
theoretical foundation is also laid. After a diverse first phase of
studies, specialization is possible in the second phase of study. The
mgp course is finished with a Bachelor of Arts.
The “Virtual Worlds & Game Technologies” degree program, which opened
in October 2023, is completed with a Bachelor of Science. The focus of
this course is on the conception and development of virtual applications
and designs. This includes media technology, game design in the sense of
game balancing & testing, applied virtual worlds, public virtual worlds
and much more. During the course of their studies, students are
introduced to research questions and can work on current research
Finally, for those who are undecided, there is the “Media and
Communication, Bachelor” (B.Sc.) course of study. This course offers a
broad introduction to the aspects of design, computer science,
technology and economics of the media world. The traditional course of
study was fundamentally reformed in October 2023 and geared more toward beginner-friendliness and interdisciplinarity. Here too, specialization in the desired focus is possible in the second part of the course.
The Media Faculty has very well-equipped studios for film and audio
production as well as laboratories with powerful computers, 2D and 3D
software packages, VR equipment and gaming interfaces. Access to motion
capture systems is also given. Highly motivated teachers, research
assistants and tutors support the students.

Prof. Götz Gruner

Prof. Sabine Hirtes
Audio-visual Postproduction & Visual Effects
Vice Dean Media Faculty
Hochschule Offenburg
Badstraße 24
77652 Offenburg
T +49 (0) 781 205-4722
T +49 (0) 781 205-4720
mi.hs-offenburg.de/studium/bachelor-studiengaenge/ medien-gestaltung-und-produktion