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ZFF for Kids Audience Award for The Super Elfkins

The Super Elfkins

“THE SUPER ELFKINS“ (Die Heinzels – Neue Mützen, neue Mission) won the ZFF Audience Award for Kids at the 20th anniversary edition of the Zurich Film Festival 2024! AMCRS HEROES were also involved in the 3D animated feature film by Ute von Münchow-PohlSERU Animation with Sebastian Runschke (producer) and SOLA MEDIA with Solveig Langeland (executive producer). Congratulations to everyone involved!

The movie revolves around the adventures of elfkin girl Elfie who discovers the existence of a technically advanced Elfkin gang that, in stark contrast to Elfie’s own clan, is second to none when it comes to fun and thrill-seeking. Cinema release in Germany is December 24, 2024.

More about The Super Elfkins at SERU Animation

“Cursed Children” successfully pitched at Cartoon Movie 2023!

Photo: Cartoon Movie 2023

At Cartoon Movie in Bordeaux, Matisse Gonzales Jordán (Director and Author) and Stefan Michel (Producer Studio Seufz) pitched the 2D animated feature film project “Cursed Children” (“Condenaditos“) – very successfully with a lot of applause in between! Congratulations!

Besides Studio Seufz also M.A.R.K. 13, Sola Media and for the AMCRS Stefanie Larson were present at the pitch! More about the project

Photo: Cartoon Movie 2023
Photo: Cartoon Movie 2023