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New Study: Baden-Württemberg Now Germany’s Leading Hub for Animation Film and VFX

Image: Cover Study, Goldmedia / MFG

Source: MFG Baden-Württemberg, January 24, 2025

A recent study by the research institute Goldmedia shows that Baden-Württemberg has risen to become Germany’s leading hub for animation films and digital feature film production in recent years. No other federal state in Germany is home to as many companies and professionals generating films and series entirely digitally. Many VFX companies based in Baden-Württemberg also collaborate on major Hollywood productions. Since 2010, the revenue of the local animation and VFX industry has grown by a remarkable 800 percent, reaching 170 million euros. According to the study, this development is largely attributed to the targeted support provided by Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg (MFG).

MFG Managing Director Carl Bergengruen stated: “In 2014, we became the first federal state to introduce a highly effective funding instrument specifically tailored to the animation and visual effects sector, laying the foundation for the significant growth of this industry.” Currently, the revenue in the field of animation and visual effects in Baden-Württemberg is generated by 85 companies. In 2010, there were only around 30 such businesses.

In the field of digital games, the study also identified significant revenue growth of at least 90 percent since 2015, reaching 190 million euros in Baden-Württemberg. This revenue is generated by 146 companies. The substantial growth is partly due to a specialized funding program introduced by the MFG in 2020 for local games companies. This program supports innovative games projects from concept to production.

The study also highlights the industrial policy significance of the animation, VFX, and games sectors for Baden-Württemberg. Technological innovations from these fields are already being applied in a wide range of industries, from the automotive sector and mechanical engineering to healthcare. However, 48 percent of the orders in the VFX and animation industry come from the audiovisual media sector, including film and series productions for cinema, streaming, and television.

In the games market, a significant portion of orders – 45 percent – comes from the entertainment sector of audiovisual media. However, similar to the animation and VFX sectors, there is a growing trend in orders from other industries.

The study also underscores the importance of the 70 industry-relevant degree programs and the highly sought-after networking and advisory activities offered by the MFG in the fields of animation, VFX, and games. Examples include the “Animation Media Creators Region Stuttgart” (AMCRS) network.

Source (in German): MFG, Goldmedia

Link to the study

The Stuttgarter Zeitung also reported on this topic in the article “Region Stuttgart ist Spitze bei Spezialeffekten aus Deutschland” on January 24, 2025. To the article

ITFS ANIMATION SPECIAL – The Most Precious Of Cargoes

The Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film will be showing DAS KOSTBARSTE ALLER GÜTER (THE MOST PRECIOUS OF CARGOES) – before its German cinema release on March 6 as an Animation Special in January. The screening is part of the nationwide cinema initiative ’27 January – 80 Years of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau” in cooperation with the Haus des Dokumentarfilms and the Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg.

The film is based on the young adult book by Jean-Claude Grumberg. It is the first animated film by director and Oscar winner Michel Hazanavicius (THE ARTIST) and screened in competition at the Cannes Film Festival, among others. More information

Monday, January 27 2025, 18:45 CET
EM (Stuttgart Innenstadtkinos, Bolzstraße 4)

As part of the cinema initiative “27 January – 80 Years of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau”, numerous other events are on the program, such as the documentary film drama DIE ERMITTLUNG (2024) – a cinema adaptation of the stage drama of the same name by Peter Weiss (1965) at the Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg on January 26, 2025, followed by a panel discussion. Admission is free, please register at More information

In addition, the exclusive film series Filmreihe im Bundesplatz-Kino will take place in Berlin from January 26 on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. More information

Studio FILM BILDER’s “Lena’s Farm” on TV

The animated series “Lena’s Farm” by Elena Walf (Studio FILM BILDER) will be broadcast on KiKA, the children’s channel of ARD and ZDF, from February 4, 2025. In the new animated series for pre-school children, the animals on Lena’s farm experience all kinds of social challenges, which are told non-verbally in humorous stories. “Lena’s Farm” (ZDF) – an instructive example of understanding and tolerance – can be seen from February 4, 2025, Mondays to Fridays at 9:10 CET as well as on and in the KiKANiNCHEN app.

Lena’s Farm, Image: Studio FILM BILDER

Author Elena Walf tells heart-warming stories about understanding and tolerance. Each episode revolves around a different problem between individuals and the group, with a different animal always taking center stage. These are interpersonal problems that are easy for children to understand thanks to the translation into the animal world. The series manages without any language at all. Elena Walf’s imagery is all the more expressive for that. It is as clearly and pointedly drawn as it is lovingly embellished in detail.

„Lena’s Farm“ is a production by Studio FILM BILDER GmbH, Producer ist Thomas Meyer-Hermann (more information and credits at Studio FILM BILDER). Editor in charge at ZDF is Ingo Weis.

Source: Press Release KiKA

Welcome, Red Parrot Studios Stuttgart!

Tehran Taboo

New year – new CREATORS! We’re beyond excited to welcome Red Parrot Studios Stuttgart to our network!

Whether it is 3D animation for the whole family (MOONBOUND, TAFITI), high-quality VFX (THE MUCKLAS… AND HOW THEY CAME TO PETTERSON AND FINDUS), cartoonish 2D animation (FRIEDEFELD) or innovative animation techniques for sophisticated arthouse films (TEHRAN TABOO, LITTLE GERMANS) – ever since its foundation in 2014, Red Parrot Studios has established itself as one of the most creative animation studios in Germany. 

Find out more about Red Parrot Studios!

Peterchens Mondfahrt – Moonbound

Filmschau Baden-Württemberg (December 4 to 8, 2024)

The Filmschau Baden-Württemberg, the state film festival in Stuttgart, takes place annually over five days at the beginning of December in Stuttgart’s Innenstadtkinos – this year it celebrates its 30th anniversary from December 4 to 8. Around 120 films are presented by professionals from the industry and up-and-coming filmmakers from Baden-Württemberg’s film schools. Feature films, short films, animated films, documentaries and commercials will be shown, including many premieres.

It is organized by the Filmbüro Baden-Württemberg e.V.. In the competition for the Baden-Württembergischer Filmpreis, the best productions are awarded by five three-member expert juries in the categories Best Feature Film, Best Documentary, Best Short Film, Best Animated Film and Best Commercial Film. Prizes with a total value of up to 10,000 euros are awarded.

Members of the AMCRS are also strongly represented in the program, including numerous projects by alumni and students of Baden-Württemberg’s film and media academies and universities.

Animationsinstitut of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg: CERVUS ROSTRATUS (Director: Tobias Eckerlin), CONTRADICTION OF EMPTINESS (Director: Irina Rubina), DEAD END (Director: Fabienne Prieß, Levin Tamoj), DETLEV (Director: Ferdinand Ehrhardt), PEAR GARDEN (Director: Shadab Shayegan), KRONOS (Director: Lasse Falk, Haiyang Liu), IN A TIME WARP (Director: Anh Tú Nguyen), THE DEEP ABOVE – FIRST HUNT (Director: Niklas Wolff), KAULQUAPPE (Director: Julia Skala), MIND THE GAP (Director: Gwenola Heck), TURMSPRINGER (Director: Oscar Bittner) …

Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart: OUT THERE (Director: Ben Marquardt), AUSGELIEFERT (Director: Mauriz Thabo Röckle), FROGGING HELL (Director: Louis Reichardt), KINNHAKENHANK (Director: Sebastian Greim) (all HdM films)

Hochschule Offenburg: VEXIER (Director: Matthias Wissmann)

Studio FILM BILDER: ANIMANIMUSICAL (Director: Julia Ocker), FRITZI UND SOPHIE – GRENZENLOSE FREUNDSCHAFT; EPISODE 4: BEINAHE VERHAFTET (Director: Ralf Kukula, Matthias Buhn, Thomas Meyer‐Hermann)

LAVAlabs (VFX): CRANKO (Director: Prof. Dr. Joachim A. Lang)

In the supporting program, the Schnupperkino awaits the youngest moviegoers with a short film reel featuring ANIMANIMALS, MEIN TIER AUF DER SCHMUSEDECKE and TOM UND DAS ERDBEERMARMELADEBROT MIT HONIG (all Studio FILM BILDER).

The new category “Best Visual Effects (VFX)” focuses on the area of the film industry in the southwest, which has achieved a leading position creatively and economically in Germany and throughout Europe. The nominees: CRANKO – Rolf Muetze (VFX Supervisor), Juri Stanossek (Associate VFX Supervisor) and Alexandra Stautmeister (VFX Producer) (LAVAlabs), AVATAR – THE LAST AIRBENDER – Emanuel Fuchs (VFX Supervisor), Gus Martinez (VFX supervisor) and Amelie Dillig (VFX producer) (Accenture Song VFX), BLUE BEETLE – RISE FX, GHOSTED – RISE FX

In addition, Heiko Burkardsmaier, VFX Executive Producer and Head of Business/Legal Affairs at Accenture Song VFX will receive this year’s Baden-Württemberg Honorary Film Award.

Filmschau BW Program | Filmschau BW Press Release | MFG Baden-Württemberg | Hochschule der Medien

Open Days at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Press Release Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and Animationsinstituts, Ludwigsburg, November 12, 2024

Open Days at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg: A Look Behind the Scenes – Online and On-Site in Ludwigsburg

The world of media is becoming increasingly diverse: films, series, streaming services, and transmedia formats. How can young people navigate this wide array of options to discover their interests and determine the right educational or career path for them? The Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg (FABW) and its Animationsinstitut provide guidance with two Open Days. On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, the Filmakademie will participate online in the statewide Study Information Day. Additionally, the FABW will host an on-site event on Thursday, November 28, 2024, offering exclusive insights to visitors in Ludwigsburg.

Set Extension Workshop 2023, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Whether it’s about study programs, admission requirements, or campus life in Ludwigsburg – lecturers, students, study coordinators, and project supervisors will be available to answer questions and present the various disciplines of the Filmakademie. The student office will also provide comprehensive advice on applications, tuition fees, and admission requirements. Upon request, attendees can receive a certificate of participation.

Overview of degree programs and specializations at the Filmakademie:

  • At Animationsinstitut: Animation, Animation/Effects Producing, Interactive Media, Technical Directing, Visual Effects
  • At Filmakademie: Cinematography, Documentary Film (Directing), Screenwriting (Feature Film & Series), Film Music, Film Sound/Sound Design, Journalistic Film (Directing), Editing, Motion Design, Production: Executive & Line Producing / International Producing / Series Producing, Production Design / Art Direction, Narrative Film (Directing), Commercial Film (Directing & Producing)

Detailed programs are available here:

Online, November 20, 2024: The program and login details for the online events are available here (will be activated on the day of the event)
Online Open Day Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Online Open Day Animationsinstitut

On-site, November 28, 2024: The Program is available here
Open Day Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Open Day Animationsinstitut

In advance, interested individuals have the opportunity to explore the campus and the Animationsinstitut on the Filmakademie’s YouTube channels, watch informational videos, and discover numerous films:

Pre-Fixe with Animation Lounge with Dominique Schuchmann

Together with the Film- und Medienfestival gGmbH (organizer of Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film) and the AMCRSMFG organizes the Pre Fixe with Animation Lounge as a prelude to the monthly network meeting of the film industry (Jour Fixe). Speakers from the animation film scene present practical examples of current projects and provide insights into their work.

The next event will take place on December 9, 18:00 CET. In his presentation “‘Minus Drei & Die Wilde Lucy’ – Eine 9-jährige Zeitreise zur eigenen IP (Dinomite & Lucy – A 9-year journey through time to our own IP), Dominique Schuchmann (M.A.R.K.13™) will talk about the production of the animation and children’s series “Minus Drei & Die Wilde Lucy” (Dinomite & Lucy).

Dominique Schuchmann | © Film- und Medienfestival gGmbH
Dinomite & Lucy

Dominique Schuchmann has been the owner and executive producer of our CREATORS at The M.A.R.K.13™ – Group in Stuttgart since 2004. He is also a member of the ADC (Art Directors Club Germany), the VES (Visual Effects Society), the Deutschen Werbefilmakademie  and the Deutschen Produzentenallianz as well as Chairman of the IHK Film- und Medienausschuss in Baden-Württemberg.

The Jour Fixe offers a unique opportunity for exchange and networking with colleagues from the MFG Film Funding Unit. All participants are cordially invited to attend the subsequent Jour Fixe from 19:00 CET.

The event will take place at the Kulturzentrum Merlin, Augustenstraße 72, 70178 Stuttgart. Admission is free.

More information

ZFF for Kids Audience Award for The Super Elfkins

The Super Elfkins

“THE SUPER ELFKINS“ (Die Heinzels – Neue Mützen, neue Mission) won the ZFF Audience Award for Kids at the 20th anniversary edition of the Zurich Film Festival 2024! AMCRS HEROES were also involved in the 3D animated feature film by Ute von Münchow-PohlSERU Animation with Sebastian Runschke (producer) and SOLA MEDIA with Solveig Langeland (executive producer). Congratulations to everyone involved!

The movie revolves around the adventures of elfkin girl Elfie who discovers the existence of a technically advanced Elfkin gang that, in stark contrast to Elfie’s own clan, is second to none when it comes to fun and thrill-seeking. Cinema release in Germany is December 24, 2024.

More about The Super Elfkins at SERU Animation

FIRST STEPS Awards for Filmakademie Students and Films

A major success for Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and its Animationsinstitut: Four FIRST STEPS Awards 2024 were won by students and productions from the renowned Ludwigsburg-based film school. At the prestigious awards ceremony on September 30, 2024, held at the Theater des Westens in Berlin, creative works and impressive emerging talents were honoured, capturing the attention of this year’s expert jury. With innovative concepts, gripping stories, and outstanding cinematography, FABW students secured several of the highly sought-after prizes.

In the Short Steps category, the animated film PEAR GARDEN by Shadab Shayegan stood out. Produced at the Filmakademie’s Animationsinstitut, it tells the story of six-year-old Lili and her first visit to her grandmother after she underwent a mastectomy. The jury commended the film’s “quiet tones” and remarked: “Through sensitive storytelling and impressive imagery, PEAR GARDEN invites us to feel the fragility and strength of the human condition.

Short Steps Winner Shadab Shayegan / PEAR GARDEN, FIRST STEPS 2024, (c) Eventpress / Fuhr

The Feature Film category was won by VENA (directed by Chiara Fleischhacker), cinematographer Lisa Jilg received the Michael Ballhaus Award for her outstanding work on VENA, and Samuel Gheist (Diploma 2024) won in the Screenplay category for his series pilot BITE BACK.

The FIRST STEPS Award is the most significant accolade for graduation films from film schools in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. With a total prize fund of € 132,000, it is the highest-endowed young talent award in the German-speaking region. Each year, awards are presented across ten categories, recognising directors, producers, cinematographers, actors, and screenwriters. In 2024, 13 productions from Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg were nominated. Nominations alone come with a prize of €1,000 each.

Source: Press Release Filmakademie / Animationsinstitut, October 2, 2024

All First Steps 2024 Winners

Next AMCRS IP Presentation Forum on October 24, 2024! Register now!

You’ve got a great idea for an IP (intellectual property)? You are developing a new game or interactive format? You are in the middle of preparing your new animated short film or animated series? You are a resident of Baden-Württemberg? That’s perfect!

The IP Presentation Forum will take place for the ninth time on October 24, 2024. Come by and take the opportunity to present your project to professionals from the industry and to exchange ideas and get advice for the next steps!

Register until October 18, 2024 via: (A timeslot will be assigned.)

Download flyer (PDF)

Location: MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbH
Breitscheidstr. 4
70174 Stuttgart

Organized by the AMCRS